Monday, September 23, 2019

The Maya Pleiades Map Home


Mayan Interdimensional Map

Maya Pleiades Connection

The earliest and largest Maya pyramid city in Meso America according to archaeologists is a site called Tikal in Guatemala. This pyramid city has in the images that follow, its very first pyramids ever built shown shaded in yellow. Historians have concluded these were part of the first epoch and I propose created in veneration of the cosmic blueprint design venerating the Pleiades and the place of their star 'god' ancestors.

Historians agree out of all the star clusters mentioned in their records, the Pleiades has by far the utmost importance of all, and this cluster was the 'centre' of the sky and the others were more of a background. Festivals also held with Pleiades and Orion. ref

It seems there was a lot of war that followed between tribes and each new king believed he was 'god'-like and in celebration of their kingship they began building more and more pyramids after the layout pattern was forgotten.

The layout pattern the historians propose as the first epoch building project I saw immediately is a pattern display of exactly the same complex layout plan to that of the Winterbourne Stoke mounds with Stonehenge and a series of ruins found on another planet… Mars! The star obsession and blueprint design of Tikal and Mars is explored here: ref

The oldest pyramids shaded pale yellow in the previous image and must not be confused with the later pyramid building that followed long after that had a whole different representation.

The Maya obsessed in the stars of the Pleiades and although historians say it was just the measurement of this generally small and sometimes not to easy to see cluster they chose just to measure seasons to plant and harvest corn. This is unlikely as there are far easier stars to measure for this and I propose obviously they had an emotional attachment to this cluster and its Sun stars for good reason. It was sacred because it seems to be the place of their ancestor 'gods' as you read further.


In the image above of a 3D re-creation of the first period of the Maya surrounded in dense forest would appear like this before many wars changed it and deforestation followed to make stucco changed its appearance completely. Mouse over the image to see the Pleiades pattern match to these structure. Note also the platform the cluster of pyramids were built on have a typical leg of the bull pattern.

Here is a link to show the oldest pyramids that map the stars of the Pleiades area. In this link see the map in the top part of the image, the buildings marked 20-35. The larger twin pyramids in the newer plaza are later building period monuments built in twos to celebrate something quite different to stars. ref

The 3D image here also shows the smaller pyramid with a face that today is found entombed inside the largest pyramid (Temple 4) found there today, a later period building completely covering it with an air pocket around it as if to protect it. No images are available for this pyramid internal face however this protected mechanism of the face monument is common on other sites in Meso-america. ref

Consider why a massive face monument was built? Is it trying to speak of the face of their star ancestors if this is a star map?

Historians say that generally speaking there are over 100000 pyramids in the landmass stretching south from Mexico to Guatemala. That is no missprint it is possibly an underestimate. The ancient Maya cities are so widespread that historians say that there are many that still remain undiscovered and are just sitting there in the jungle waiting to be found.

Some of the civilization's last pyramids were built in pairs to celebrate the 20-year k'atun cycle of the Maya Long count calendar a seasonal cycle and were NOT positioned to correlate with any stars. These new pyramids must be ignored in the star correlation history. ref

The largest pyramid in Tikal - the most sacred monument of the ancient Mayan - is the one that correlates with the mystery star, and represents the ‘x’ that marks the spot on the pyramid star map. Note the strange triangulation of causeways that lead to a third monument. Compare this with the ancient star map of Stonehenge ref and the anomalies on Mars ref .


Lets open this case study with a strong piece of the puzzle! But first lets define the people and site. The ancient civilisations of North America are separated by name according to epoch. The first people were generally the Olmec people who were then later called the Maya for the longest period of time. They then became the Aztecs right up until the period of the American Indian tribes which there are many simply due to the fact recent history has a lot less lost records. There are many other tribe names for periods between these mentioned and it is difficult to include it accurately and including all.

The Maya period had Tikal as one of its biggest founding cities according to historians and their writing style was developed from pictoglyphs just like the Egyptians.

The most sacred words had the most revealing pictoglyphs showing in detail and the most common symbol includes faces.

But there is one glyph at Palenque shown above that is about to speak its forgotten reasoning and truth because this one symbol speaks volumes. My research friend Mark Scott did a story on the reality of this glyph a few days ago and we are not sure which researcher first proposed it was an astronaut, which I would like to reference.


This glyph shown above is off a relief in Palenque and it shows a man dressed very unusually. So much so that he is either naked or wearing a one piece body suit and helmet. Since the helmet is obvious it is fair to insist the depiction is with a body suit.

I recognised the stance of the being lying down in the glyph with one arm poised is a familiar unique stance duplicating another famous ancient relief carving. The famous Pakal sarcophagus stone lid has this identical stance as seen in the bottom right of the image above. source ref

Yes... the stance of Pakal as an astronaut flying in his celestial ship 'rocket' as famous authors have said in the past. In recognising this stance it is fair to suggest that this makes a very strong case for the ancient astronaut theory in these depictions.

But what if there is another ancient artifact style that is being replicated here to add to make the ancient astronaut theory stand even stronger?

There is and its one that brings this glyph right into the lime light! The famous El Baal ancient astronaut stela seen top right in the image above and the artifact is covered in detail lower down in this article.

The depiction of the el Baal relief concludes it is an ancient astronaut because I recognised the helmet style with 'oval window' has the same nose and eyes visible... the same helmet shape... the same round bit at the back portion of the helmet. I also saw the entity has something against his nose identical to what is suggested as a nose breathing device on the Pakal sarcophagus lid!

The entity is even poised in this weird 'astronaut' stance with no backrest on a similar 'seat' to the Pakal depiction. This is sensational to say the least and here I must challenge academia to wake up and smell the coffee. This glyph now makes the ancient astronaut case for the Maya stand so strong it really elevates theory into the status of hypothesis when all the hidden records of my work are compared with it.

This glyph I believe is of a set style and stance of what inspired the first few pieces of a fake Maya artifact collection of what an Art gallery in Austria claimed in 2010 were 'ancient alien' artifacts that the Mexican government endorse.

I wrote to the public relations department and asked if this was true. They said it was a false claim. Just a few pieces at first appeared then truck loads. Hundreds of new art pieces appeared to be all made by the same artists hand. They take this glyph depiction to a whole new level. Sad to say this chaos exists in this genre and people are actually buying these fakes for a fortune! There is not one accademic on the Earth that believes the Austrian gallery alien artifact hoax is not a hoax.


The deity in the glyph has a name and offerings of the most horrific kind were made to him.

What you are about to read might explain why the star visitors stopped visiting the Earth because of how emotional weak humanity obsessed in the greatness of the beings.

His name is Chacmool ref and he became the focus of the most barbaric ritual as the Maya evolved into the Aztecs.

Scholars are unsure of his past except for one thing, that this was the entity that recieved human hearts in sacrifice! See the image below.

Did this entity perform a heart operation on a sick important royal family individual thus inspiring the ritual? Was it a desperate attempt making sacrifice of people to the being because this person took people as guests (probably not dead people) with him when he left and this gift of a human to him is the manifestation of the need for his return?

We could speculate all day but one thing for sure ... when the star visitors left, people worshiped them as gods... they turned barbaric and the end result of the visitation presented a far more evil and barbaric society after, than before.


The El Baul site South of Guatemala is located 4 km north of Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa, and would have been populated by the Maya that would have known Tikal and its legends. Not just that but if the stela below really is an ancient astronaut interpretation then this stela might have been created at Tikal and later moved to El Baul.

Here is the greatest evidence in support of the ancient astronaut theory supporting star visitor hypothesis in my star map theory proposed thus far. Erik VonDaniken was perhaps the first to discover an ancient astronaut interpretation of this Maya stela seen here.

The full name of this stela is the El Baul Ball game stela ref and although it shows something that seems to have been celebrated by the Ball game itself. I propose perhaps it was once less barbaric game celebrating its cosmic visitors and cosmic detail. A game once more likely far less devastating to its losers and perhaps once celebrating knocking a ball symbolic of a cosmic body passing through the ring of a cosmic portal.

The traditional ball players never EVER wore any cumbersome restricted sight animal helmet. Especially one also restricting breathing or with a restricting of movement additional back pack. The ball game had nothing to do with a cosmic portal opening either as seen in the stela. As mentioned in my book, the person also has very slender feminine appearance which would not be a ball player.

The million dollar question here... if this is a real ancient they show what the ancients would no doubt be burning with desire to tell the viewer in this depiction... where they come from? That answer is yes. I compare my re-created image with a 46cm museum quality duplication of the stela that I have cross researched as accurate (rendered by fine artist after a digital scan since no moldings have been allowed). This duplication and others now available for collectors in a project to raise funds for a film documentary. ref


Márton Molnár-Göb from Hungary was quick to notice when he was first to find a clear image that there appears to be Pleiades on record here.

There are two circles with bird heads present in both almost identically. One has dots in a cluster beneath it the other might have had the detail maliciously scratched off. I suggest the birdhead deity all along in all ancient cultures is one wearing a helmet with visor of a star visitor resembling a bird head. This is a cluster of what appears to be 7 dots and an oblong anomaly (yellow in illustration interpretation). 7 orbs could suggest it is the Pleiades but there is something more obvious here especially for this Maya and Cahokia tradition.

The two rings (only one shown in the bottom image... see the first image) both have bird heads and stars and appear to represent two important sun stars in the Pleiades star map. Due to the Cahokia obsession in the Tertiary Sol star that is almost part of the Pleiades cluster one then can reason the anomaly orb (shaded yellow in interpretation) and can be seen listed as Tertiary sol star on the star map page analysis ref

Here I believe the anomaly dot (yellow) is the Tertiary Sol position that is fact and is positioned right next to the Pleiades and seen on the left side of it as shown in the star maps. The Birdman/Horus sun deity is an ideal and common global title for the star visitor. Then the Tertiary position right next to the Pleiades makes most sense here as where they come from. The ring therefore fits best as the wormhole opening address to two sun stars. The second address now lost due to damage is impossible to conclude but also of the birdman/Horus title like in the Cahokia Star map. ref . Perhaps for some reason later on someone felt the visitors from the one address were not pleasant or important at all and scratched the second position Pleiades marker.

Here is an HD video of the stela up close and with two other stunning world's most famous ancient astronaut duplications discussed in depth:


The The entity is wearing helmet with thin non pressurised body suit I proposed in 2002 breathing Earth atmosphere during interaction with humanity.

The being appears of feminine statue from another star system as a visitor here on Earth wearing just her helmet so she does not have to breathe our microbe infested air. Her body would be at risk of being overcome by foreign 'Earth' microbes.

The helmet shows how the discharge of her exhaled air created an intimidating vapour and the source of her air is through the filter device on her back similar in design to a modern astronaut.

The window has a goggle eye appearance and the artist clearly needed to show there is a human face inside this beast looking head.

Now in context with the astronaut interpretation to conclude the meaning of the stela and that it really is an ancient star visitor here and her story, it can be interpreted logically with the clues as follows:

The message of the stela appears to be where this deity comes from and above the entity one can see interaction with another ancient astronaut being in a very important transition.

The entity in the sky seems to be partially in transit in a wormhole opening as the serpent-like nature of it is clear and how the same beast like interpretation of the artists by tradition show the serpent mouth opening and his head clearly visible. Note how this entity wears what I suggested since 2002 are headphones and microphone as he hands something to the one below.

It is impossible to confirm but since the Maya and American Indians who are linked by lineage and foundation general tradition since both carry record that corn was given by the corn gods from the sky. This appears to be some sort of corn cob/seed gift from the entity.


In 1998 in a Maya book documenting the strange beliefs of the Maya they spoke of the ancestors from the cosmos entering the earth through a magical lily flower and depict this magical artifact as shown in the image above on the left. It was the beginning of my quest to set out to prove wormholes and the star map and I thought I hit gold on this depiction.

But scholars were sure the anomalies on the flower were nothing more than dirt. So I put it aside and forgot about it. I did not yet have more than the Hindu and Egyptian traditions of doorways to the stars with a lotus flower depiction but I wanted to find more examples in other ancient sites to present a conclusive story.

That time has now dawned. A friend Mark Scott presented the new image on the right on a social network platform suggested this lily depiction would fit my developed theory on the fine mechanics of cosmic serpent wormholes that I present on all the star map ancient sites so far.

I immediately noticed the seven dots on the lily and realised the first example I had forgotten about now had backing evidence to propose it was the Pleiades as the place the cosmic wormhole originates from. In this manner of speaking suggesting the ancestors came from the Pleiades area. This artifact is found in the Brooklyn Museum ref and has more to conclude here.

The Maya deity firstly has a very obvious elongated head. He matches the other case here with crosssed arms stance and this I propose matches the secret of how one finds the Pleiades following the cosmic cross of Orion. In the Abraham star map ref

I believe the star map 'global secret' is ancient and was by order of all monarchy systems all over the world to be kept secret to provoke war against others with the lie that others are not chosen ones. The star maps show all are equal from the same place. Not very good for greedy ruthless kings wanting to rape pillage and plunder.

By encoding the depiction with crossed arms was a big breakthrough for me after Márton Molnár-Göb in Hungary first found the stunning mural with the star map in 2012. I noticed Abraham encoded not just crossed arms beneath his tunic, he pulled the sleeves over his crossed arms to emphasize there is a secret here and to get a double cross effect which Orion encapsulates ref.

There is more in the depiction of the Maya in a cosmic wormhole opening conduit. He wares a seven ray crown for the Sun star like Helios and like sacred feminine Lady Liberty. The crown has a Cosmic Tree and three fruit which is where the wormholes are sourced from ... riding literally the 'hands' of God Creation ref and since there are 3 fruit then it could be all 3 Sun-like stars found in this area.

But the greatest detail is the crescent and Sun disc in typical Egyptian tradition which I suggest represents the sun of the deities and their exoplanet of origin... the place of origin of all humanity as the other star maps strongly suggest.

This story on its own is nowhere near complete without seeing other sites and trace back history of the American indigenous lineages. The best cases are:

1) Chaco Canyon .

2) The Lakota Star Map

3) The Maya Tikal Star Map

4) The Cahokia Star Map

5) The Skidi Pawnee Star Map

6) The Cherokee Star Map

7) The Navajo Star Map

©The Hidden Records® 2019


 Credits - References - Copyright - General summary of ancient alien starmaps on human origins explored in The Hidden Records book by Wayne Herschel. A Pleiades and Orion correlating pyramid star map interpretation was published in papers, followed by his book The Hidden Records by Wayne Herschel (2002) (See book synopsis on website for more detail of The Hidden Records) A Pleiades correlation with Mars, Stonehenge and Tikal was released in South African TV documentary Carte Blanche in 2002.The ancient alien artifact expo by Wayne Herschel presenting museum quality replicas of controversial rare artifacts with star maps and Pleiades are all copyright protected pieces.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Heaven's Gate (We Are Against Suicide!)

Who Was the Cult of Heaven's Gate?


HALE-BOPP Brings Closure to: 

Whether Hale-Bopp has a "companion" or not is irrelevant from our perspective. However, its arrival is joyously very significant to us at "Heaven's Gate." The joy is that our Older Member in the Evolutionary Level Above Human (the "Kingdom of Heaven") has made it clear to us that Hale-Bopp's approach is the "marker" we've been waiting for -- the time for the arrival of the spacecraft from the Level Above Human to take us home to "Their World" -- in the literal Heavens. Our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion -- "graduation" from the Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared to leave "this world" and go with Ti's crew.

If you study the material on this website you will hopefully understand our joy and what our purpose here on Earth has been. You may even find your "boarding pass" to leave with us during this brief "window."

We are so very thankful that we have been recipients of this opportunity to prepare for membership in Their Kingdom, and to experience Their boundless Caring and Nurturing.

Keys or Bookmarks to Vital Information 
on Our WebsiteDo's Intro: Our Purpose -- The Simple Bottom Line (an excerpt from our bookHEAVEN'S GATE -- see below)Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate (excerpt from our book)
Overview of Present Mission (excerpt from our book, a student paper)
Last Chance To Advance Beyond Human (excerpt from our book)
To Access Our Book Online in its Entirety:
How and When HEAVEN'S GATE May Be Entered

Transcripts of Two Recent Videos
Our Position Against Suicide
How a Member of the Kingdom of Heaven Might Appear
Earth Exit Statements by Students
Exit Press Release:
"Away Team" Returns to Level Above Human
To Order a Hard Copy of Our Book

The following materials are available through TELAH Services:

One of our correspondents from Germany offered to translate the following two transcripts into German.

Videotape 1: Last Chance To Evacuate Earth Before It's Recycled
(Sept. 29, 1996 - 70 min.)

Transcript of videotape 1. ......German translation

Videotape 2: Planet Earth About To Be Recycled -- Your Only Chance To Survive -- Leave With Us (Oct. 5, 1996 - 58 min.)

Transcript of videotape 2. ......German translation

Our Book, entitled How and When "Heaven's Gate" May Be Entered 
(An Anthology of Our Materials).

If you would like to send for videotapes, there is no charge. If you would like to copy them and return the originals to us, we will make them available to someone else. If you choose to assist with deferring our expenses, those funds would be reinvested towards getting this information out.

The transcripts of videotapes 1 and 2 can be viewed onlinedownloaded or requested through TELAH Services.

Hard copy editions of the book may be ordered through TELAH Services for $45 US. This includes shipping and handling, via priority mail.

Requests For Materials Can Be Emailed To:

Or Sent Via Postal Service To:

TELAH Services 
4757 E. Greenway Rd. Ste. 103-178
Phoenix, AZ 85032

To Access Our Online Book How and When HEAVEN'S GATE May Be Entered |
Do's Intro: Purpose - Belief | Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate |
Last Chance To Evacuate Earth | Planet About To Be Recycled |
Overview of Present Mission | Last Chance To Advance Beyond Human |
Our Position Against Suicide | How a Member of the Kingdom of Heaven Might Appear |
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What Our Purpose Is - The Simple "Bottom Line"

Two thousand years ago, a crew of members of the Kingdom of Heaven who are responsible for nurturing "gardens," determined that a percentage of the human "plants" of the present civilization of this Garden (Earth) had developed enough that some of those bodies might be ready to be used as "containers" for soul deposits. Upon instruction, a member of the Kingdom of Heaven then left behind His body in that Next Level (similar to putting it in a closet, like a suit of clothes that doesn't need to be worn for awhile), came to Earth, and moved into (or incarnated into), an adult human body (or "vehicle") that had been "prepped" for this particular task. The body that was chosen was called Jesus. The member of the Kingdom of Heaven who was instructed to incarnate into that body did so at His "Father's" (or Older Member's) instruction. He "moved into" (or took over) that body when it was 29 or 30 years old, at the time referred to as its baptism by John the Baptist (the incarnating event was depicted as "...the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove" - Luke 3:22). [That body (named Jesus) was tagged in its formative period to be the receptacle of a Next Level Representative, and even just that "tagging" gave that "vehicle" some unique awareness of its coming purpose.]

The sole task that was given to this member from the Kingdom of Heaven was to offer the way leading to membership into the Kingdom of Heaven to those who recognized Him for who He was and chose to follow Him. "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" meant - 'since I am here, and I am from that Kingdom, if you leave everything of this world and follow me, I can take you into my Father's Kingdom.' Only those individuals who had received a "deposit" containing a soul's beginning had the capacity to believe or recognize the Kingdom of Heaven's Representative. They could get to His Father only through total reliance upon Him. He later sent His students out with the "Good news of the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," and His followers could then help gather the "flock" so that the "Shepherd" might teach others what was required of them to enter His Father's House - His Father's Kingdom - the Kingdom of Heaven - in the literal and physical Heavens - certainly not among humans on Earth. Leaving behind this world included: family, sensuality, selfish desires, your human mind, and even your human body if it be required of you - all mammalian ways, thinking, and behavior. Since He had been through this metamorphic transition Himself from human to Level Above Human - under the guidance of His Father - He was qualified to take others through that same discipline and transition. Remember, the One who incarnated in Jesus was sent for one purpose only, to say, 'If you want to go to Heaven, I can take you through that gate - it requires everything of you.'

Our mission is exactly the same. I am in the same position to today's society as was the One that was in Jesus then. My being here now is actually a continuation of that last task as was promised, to those who were students 2000 years ago. They are here again, continuing in their own overcoming, while offering the same transition to others. Our only purpose is to offer the discipline and "grafting" required of this transition into membership in My Father's House. My Father, my Older Member, came with me this time for the first half of this task to assist in the task because of its present difficulty.

Looking to us, and desiring to be a part of my Father's Kingdom, can offer to those with deposits that chance to connect with the Level Above Human, and begin that transition. Your separation from the world and reliance upon the Kingdom of Heaven through its Representatives can open to you the opportunity to become a new creature, one of the Next Evolutionary Level, rightfully belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Why It Is Difficult To Believe or Accept Us

We don't know if you believe in the real existence of negative or "lower" forces. If you do, then you may be able to understand or relate to some of what we are about to say. It seems that how your "programming" permits you to see or identify those forces, determines the limit of your acceptance or understanding. Many believe that there are "evil" acts or even "evil" individuals, but would draw the line before they would believe in evil spirits, evil discarnates, negative influences, malevolent space aliens, "Luciferians," or Satan and his fallen angels.

The generally accepted "norms" of today's societies - world over - are designed, established, and maintained by the individuals who were at one time "students" of the Kingdom of Heaven - "angels" in the making - who "flunked out" of the classroom. Legends and scriptures refer to them as fallen angels. The current civilization's records use the name Satan or Lucifer to describe a single fallen angel and also to "nickname" any "evil presence." If you have experienced some of what our "classroom" requires of us, you would know that these "presences" are real and that the Kingdom of God even permits them to "attack" us in order for us to learn their tricks and how to stay above them or conquer them. The space aliens, or Luciferians, use the discarnate spirits (the minds that are disembodied at the death of a body) as their primary servants - against potential members of the Kingdom of God. These "influences," or discarnates, are constantly "programming" every human "plant" (vehicle or body), to accept a set of beliefs and norms for behavior during a lifetime. From our point of view, this "programming" finds that body, and the vast majority of all human bodies, barely usable by students of the Kingdom of Heaven.

As the above example can serve to testify, the "lower forces" would - through their "norm" concept - what is "socially acceptable," what is politically correct - have you notbelieve  in spirits, spirit possession, negative space aliens, Satan, etc. They would have you believe that to even dabble in these ideas is of the "occult," satanic, or at the least, giving credence to "fringe" topics. That's where they would also categorize any mental search of Eastern religions, astrology, metaphysics, paranormal, UFOs, etc., etc. In other words, they (these space aliens) don't want themselves "found out," so they condemn any exploration. They want you to be a perfect servant to society (THEIR society -- of THEIR world) -- to the "acceptable establishment," to humanity, and to false religious concepts. Part of that "stay blinded" formula goes like this:"Above all, be married, a good parent, a reasonable church goer, buy a house, pay your mortgage, pay your insurance, have a good line of credit, be socially committed, and graciously accept death with the hope that 'through His shed blood,' or some other equally worthless religious precept, you will go to Heaven after your death."

Many segments of society, especially segments of the religious, think that they are not "of the world," but rather that their "conversion" experience finds them "outside of worldliness." The next statement that we will make will be the "Big Tester," the one that the "lower forces" would use to clearly have you discredit or disregard us. That statement is: Unless you are currently an active student or are attempting to become a student of the present Representative from the Kingdom of Heaven - you ARE STILL "of the world," having done no significant separation from worldliness, and you are still serving the opposition to the Kingdom of Heaven. This statement sounds - to humans who have been so carefully programmed by the "lower forces" - arrogant, pompous, or egotistical at the least - as if by taking this stand we had something to gain - as if we were seeking recognition as "Deity" or as self-appointed prophets.

That Luciferian programming has truly been effective, for we don't even want to voice to you the statement in question. However, believe it or not, it is only for your sake - the sake of prospective recipients of the Kingdom of Heaven - that we must "tell the truth," openly identify to you as Representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven, well aware of the "fallout" of that position.

The hard facts or bold statements in a nutshell, that are so difficult to accept or "digest" - come down to: If you want or ever expect to go to Heaven - here is your window. That window opportunity requires: 1) an incarnate (as human) Representative of the Kingdom of Heaven; 2) that all who hope to enter Heaven become active students of that Representative while the Representative is present; 3) those who endure the "transition classroom" until it ends (adequately bonding or "grafting" to that Representative) will go with that Representative - literally LEAVE the human kingdom and Earth as He is about to do. Staying behind, for any significant period, could jeopardize that "graft." That window to Heaven will not open again until another civilization is planted and has reached sufficient maturity (according to the judgment of the Next Level).

We can't blame you for "buying into" the "Luciferian" program. What else has been available during those periods when no Representative was present? Almost nothing - save some warnings in the Scriptures, i.e., Luke 20:34-36, Luke 21:23, Mark 12:25, and Mark 13:17-19. Check these out.

Another fact is that what someone is into during the time a Representative is not present really doesn't matter that much, except that they are found unprepared when One comes - the only time when the Kingdom of Heaven can be offered to you.

The dilemma is we are here and most humans are thoroughly "hooked" to humanity. However, the same "grace" that was available at the end of the Representative's mission 2000 years ago is available now with our presence. If you quickly choose to take these steps toward separating from the world, and look to us for help, you will see our Father's Kingdom.

It is clear to all of us, that to the Anti-Christ -- those propagators of sustained faithfulness to mammalian humanism -- we are, and will be seen as, their Anti-Christ. This is certainly to be expected, and it will not delay our return to our Father's Kingdom. It might even accelerate that return.

We will, between now and our departure, do everything we can for those who want to go with us. But we cannot allow them to interfere with or delay our return to Him.

The Present Representative

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Saturday, September 14, 2019


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Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues, by W. Wynn Westcott, [1911], at

p. 93


The Decad, number Ten, or Panteleia, which meant "All complete" or fully accomplished," is the grand summit of numbers, which once reached cannot be passed; to increase the sum we must retrograde to the Monad.

The Pythagoreans were entranced with its virtues and called it Deity, Heaven, Eternity and the Sun.

Ten being the recipient or receptacle of all numbers was called Decad, from dechomai = to receive, and hence Heaven, which was ordained to receive all men.

Like the Deity it is a Circle, with visible centre, but its circumference too vast for sight.

It is the sum of the units of the number four as previously mentioned, a holy and Deistic number, thus 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 are 10, and thus ten gains splendour from its parentage.

Also spoken of as "Eternity," which is infinite life, because it contains every number in itself, and number is infinite.

It is also called Kosmos, that is the "Universe." Proclus says: The decad is mundane also, it is the world which receives the images of all the divine numbers, which are supernaturally imparted to it.

It is called "the fountain of eternal nature," because if we take the half, five as the middle number, and add together the next above and the next below, viz., 6 and 4, we make to, and the next two in a similar manner 7 and 3 are 10; and so on 8 and 2 and 9 and 1 give the same result.

All nations reckon by the Decimal scale of notation, to

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which they were no doubt led from the convenience of counting the ten digits of the hands.

It is also spoken of as Kleidoukos, that is, "having custody of others," the magazine of the other numbers, because other numbers are branches from it: also called Fate, which comprises all sorts of events: Age, Power; Atlas, because it supports the to spheres of Heaven; Phanes; Memory; Urania; and "The first Square, because it consists of the first four numbers."

Two old conceits were that the Tenth wave of the sea is always larger than others; and that birds laid the 10th egg of a larger size than the others.

The word Ten was used by the Hebrews, instead of "a large number," so that care must be exercised in translating this; thus Nehemiah interprets "ten generations" of Deuteronomy xxiii. v. 3 to mean "for ever." Nehemiah xiii. 1.

The Kabalists called 5, 6 and 10 circular numbers, because when squared, the result shows the same number in the unit figure, thus:

5 times 5 are 25 and 5 times 25 are 125

6 times 6 are 36    6 times 36 are 216

10 times 10 are 100   10 times 100 are 1000

An old periphrasis mentioned by Shakespeare is, "I'd set my ten commandments in your face," meaning the finger nails for scratching. See 2 Henry VI. i. 3.

The Mahometans say that ten animals were admitted to Paradise.

1. Kratim, the dog of the Seven Sleepers.

2. Ass of Balaam.

3. Ant of Solomon.

4. Whale of Jonah.

5. The Calf (not Ram) offered to Jehovah by Abraham instead of Isaac, his son.

6. The Ox of Moses.

7. The Camel of the prophet Salech.

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8. The Cuckoo of Belkis.

9. The Ram of Ishmael.

10. Al Borek, the Animal which conveyed Mahomet to heaven.

"We find to generations from Adam to Noah, 10 from Shem to Abraham. The 10 spiritual graces of Christianity are Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, prudence, meekness, and temperance," says Dr. G. Oliver; although where he gets 10 generations from Adam to Noah, I know not.

Under to also falls the mention of the Pythagorean Triangle, Tetractys, consisting of an equilateral triangle enclosing ten YODS: thus the upper is the Monad, the second line the Dyad, the third the Triad, and the fourth the Quaternary or Tetrad: representing the four forms of point, line, superficies and solid. A similar form is given by Hebrew Kabalists to form 72, the deity number, by placing in a triangle four Yods, three Hehs, two Vaus and one Heh final, being the letters IHVH of the Tetragrammaton; or they may be put conversely.

Note that ten is used as a sign of fellowship, love, peace, and Union, in the Masonic third token, the union of two five points of Fellowship.

In the Bible we notice to Commandments, to instruments to which Jewish Psalms were sung, to strings in the Psaltery, and that the Holy Ghost descended ten days after the Ascension.

Tucer, Rabanus and Raymond Lully associate the numbers 8 to Air, 5 to Fire, 6 to Earth and 12 to Water.

Apuleius states that among the Egyptians it was customary to fast to days before sacrificing, and Budge says that they used a to-day week.

The Ten Sephiroth form the essence of the Hebrew dogmatic Kabalah, a subject which is too vast and complex to be entered upon in this volume on numerals. A mere glance at the Sephirotic emanations of the Absolute Deity from the mathematical point of view is all that can be

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attempted; my "Introduction to the Kabalah" may be referred to.

From the Absolute Passive Negativity AIN, proceeds AIN SUPH the Limitless, and then AIN SUPH AUR Boundless Light, which concentrates in the first manifestation of the Sephiroth, which is the Crown, KTR, Kether: from Kether proceeds ChKMH, Chochmah, Wisdom, an active masculine potency, and BINH, Binah, Understanding, a passive feminine power.

These three form the Supernal Triad. The fourth and fifth are ChSD, Chesed, Mercy, active and male, and GBVRH, Geburah, Strength, passive and female.

The sixth Sephira is the notable TPART, Tiphereth, Beauty, the central sun, the Logos, the Manifested Son: this completes a second triangle, the reflection of the former.

Number seven is NTZCh, Netzach, Victory, active, and the eighth is HVD, Hod, Splendour, passive; the ninth is YSVD, Yesod, the Foundation, completing the third trinity, or triangle.

MLKT, Malkuth, the Tenth Sephira, completes the emanations. She is the Bride of Microprosopus the Son, the Sun, Logos; she is the Inferior Mother, Queen, and the Manifested Universe.

The whole Ten are viewed as reigning over Four Worlds or Planes of Existence; these are the Worlds of Aziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assiah. Malkuth on the plane of Assiah alone is the visible tangible universe.

These Ten Sephiroth are the prototypes of everything spiritual, and also of every part of creation: they are traced in the angelic host and in our universe: three superior, and seven succedent exist in all things; the lower seven are obvious to the uninitiated, but in these manifestations the supernal triad is veiled to the profane.

Some occultists phrase it thus—three are subjective and incomprehensible to man; seven are objective and comprehensible; thus Seven archangels are commonly named, and we have known only of Seven great planets of our system.

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But in some cases even the whole of seven are unknown; we acknowledge but five senses in man, but there are two more awaiting perception by process of evolution.

These Ten Sephiroth are not only viewed as triads from above below, but are also imaged in three columns entitled the Pillars of Severity and Mercy, with the median of Benignity or Mildness. But this scheme is not for this treatise, nor can the Sephirotic alliance with the Planetary symbols, the angelic host, the divine names, and the Book of Thoth, or Tarot be here described; these subjects present a mine of wisdom concealed in the rituals of the Kabalistic "Chabrath zereh aur bokher," from whose parent stem the Rosicrucian Fraternities also may have arisen. These Rituals contain a more complete scheme of the mediæval occult symbolism than exists in any other form known to me, and I believe that it would not be possible for anyone to reconstitute so complete a system out of all extant literature.

There are 10 Grades in the Rosicrucian Society; they are Zelator, Theoricus, Practicus, Philosophus; Minor, Major and Exempt Adept; Master, Magus and King: some Magi are known, but only Magi know of a Rex.

Rosicrucian private rituals give the correct names and Kabalistic spelling of the Ten heavens of the World of Assiah, which is the material universe.

H. P. Blavatsky declared that a scheme of the Zodiac of 10 Signs preceded that of 12 Signs, but I have been unable to verify the statement, by any ancient work.

Hebrew and Talmudic references are as follows:—10 men were necessary to form a legally-convened meeting at the Synagogue: in London as much as £1000 a year has been spent in providing spare men for this duty. Ten curses were pronounced against Eve; see Talmud, Eiruvin, 100. 2.

Ten things were created during the twilight of the first Sabbath eve. Consult Pesachim, 54. 1.

Ten facts proved the presence of a Supernatural Power in the Temple. Yoma, 21. 1.

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The Rabbis taught that a man should divorce his wife, if for 10 years she had no offspring.

At funerals, condolences were recited by to men, and at weddings by ten men including the bridegroom. Ten cups were drunk at a funeral party—three before supper, three at supper, and four after the meal at the recitation of the four blessings.

Abraham was tested to times; to Miracles were performed in Egypt to help the Children of Israel, and to at the Red Sea. Ten plagues were made to afflict the Egyptians. Ten times the Jews offended God in the Wilderness.

Ten times did the Shekinah come down into the world; at the Garden of Eden; at the Tower of Babel; at Sodom; in Egypt, see Exodus iii. 8; at the Red Sea, Psalm cviii. 9; on Mount Sinai; at the Temple; in the Pillar of Cloud; on the Mount of Olives, see Zechariah xiv. 4; the 10th is omitted in the original reference, Avoth d’ Rabbi Nathan, chap. 34.

There are to Hebrew words to designate Idols, and to for Joy. Sodom was to be spared for to righteous men; Gideon took to servants to destroy the Altar of Baal; Boaz chose to witnesses for his marriage with Ruth; Joab's armour was borne by to young men. Jesus speaks of 10 talents, 10 cities, 10 pieces of silver, and gave a parable of to Virgins. The Tabernacle has many to dimensions. There are to Bible names of God, to Canticles, and to necessaries for man's life. Ecclus. 39. 26.

There were to Pythagorean Virtues of Initiation, and the Buddhists teach to Paramitas of Perfection.

In the Alchymico-Kabalistic tract called "Aesch Metzareph" referred to by Eliphaz Levi, and collected from the Zohar of Knorr von Rosenroth and translated into English, and forming Volume IV. of my "Collectanea Hermetica," will be found 10 names for Gold all extracted from the Old Testament; they are there related to the Sephira Geburah.

The Hindoo Puranas tell us of the 10 Avatars of the God Vishnu, the Preserver of the Brahmanic Religion; they are periodical incarnations of the God. First as the

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[paragraph continues]Fish, Matsya; 2. Kurma, the Tortoise; 3. Varaha, the Boar; 4. Narasingha, the Man-Lion; 5. Vamana, the Dwarf; 6. Parasu-Rama; 7. Rama Chandra; 8. Krishna; 9. Buddha; and the 10th, Kalki, the Horse, is yet to come. These Avatars are susceptible of a mystical explanation on the plane of cosmogony; it has been given in the Garuda 'Temple of the "Oriental Order of Light" by Frater T. H. Pattinson of Bradford, a very notable mystic and occult student.

In the Yoga Vasishtha Maha Ramayana of Valmiki, edited by Vihari Lala Mitra, will be found an essay on Om-Tat-Sat, on-id-est, and this contains some very curious information on the to numerals as related to the mystical syllable Om or Aum.

"Aum mani padmé hum" means literally, "Oh, the jewel in the lotus," and is taken mystically to mean "the spark of the Divine within me," as was fully explained by Blavatsky to her Esoteric section of Theosophists.


Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues, by W. Wynn Westcott, [1911], at

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THE Ennead is the first square of an odd number, it was said to be like the Ocean flowing around the other numbers within the Decad; no further elementary number is possible, hence it is like the Horizon because all the numbers are bounded by it. We find that it was called Prometheus, and "Freedom from Strife," and "Vulcan," because the ascent of numbers is as far as 9, just as the ascent of things decomposed by fire is as far as the sphere of Fire (the summit of the air), and Juno, because the Sphere of the air is arranged according to the novenary system, and "sister and wife to Jupiter" from its conjunction with the Monad. And "Telesphoros" or "Bringing to an end" because the human offspring is carried 9 calendar months by the parent. And teleios or perfect for the same reason, and also called "Perfect" because it is generated from the Triad, which is called "Perfect."

Attention is called to its being an emblem of Matter, which, ever varying, is never destroyed; so the number 9 when multiplied by any number always reproduces itself, thus:—9 times 2 are 18 and 8 plus 1 are nine: and so on as below:

9 × 3 = 27; 2 + 7 = 9

9 × 12 = 108; 1 + 8 + 0 = 9

9 × 4 = 36; 3 + 6 = 9

9 × 13 = 117; 7 + 1 + 1 = 9

9 × 5 = 45; 4 + 5 = 9

9 × 14 = 126; 6 + 2 + 1 = 9

9 × 6 = 54; 5 + 4 = 9

9 × 15 = 135; 5 + 3 + 1 = 9

9 × 7 = 63; 6 + 3 = 9

9 × 16 = 144; 4 + 4 + 1 = 9

9 × 8 = 72; 7 + 2 = 9

9 × 17 = 153; 3 + 5 + 1 = 9

9 × 9 = 81; 8 + 1 = 9

9 × 18 = 162; 2 + 6 + 1 = 9

9 × 10 = 90; 9 + 0 = 9

9 × 19 = 171; 1 + 7 + 1 = 9

9 × 11 = 99;

9 × 20 = 180; 8 + 1 + 0 = 9

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In John Heydon's "Holy Guide," 1662, we find that he asserts the number 9 to have other curious properties:—"If writ or engraved on Silver, or Sardis, and carried with one, the wearer becomes invisible, as Caleron, the Brother-in-law of Alexander, did, and by this means lay with his Brother's concubines as often as he did himself. Nine also obtaineth the love of Women. At the 9th hour our Saviour breathed his last; on the ninth day the ancients buried their dead; after 9 years Numa received his laws from Jove; note the 9 cubits length of the iron bedstead of the giant Og, king of Basan, who is a type of the Devil, and there are 9 orders of Devils in Sheol (what we call Hell). It prevails against Plagues and Fevers; it causes Long life and Health, and by it Plato so ordered events that he died at the age of nine times 9."

There are nine orders of Angels, says Gregory, A.D. 381, in Homily 34: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.

From a Christian point of view the numbers represent:—

1. Unity of the Godhead.

2. The hypostatic union of Christ.

3. Trinity.

4. Evangelists.

5. Wounds of Jesus.

6. Is the number of sin.

7. Gifts of the spirit, Rev. i. 12; and Jesus 7 times spoke on the cross.

8. Beatitudes.

9. Orders of Angels.

10. Commandments.

11. Apostles besides Judas.

12. Original Apostolic College

13. College completed by St. Paul.

The Nine Muses of ancient Greece were called daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (Memory), and were Calliope, poetry; Clio, history; Melpomene, tragedy; Euterpe, music; Erato, love, inspiration and pantomime; Terpsichore, dancing; Urania, astronomy; Thalia, comedy, and Polyhymnia, eloquence.

The Novensiles are the nine Sabine Gods: viz.—Hercules, Romulus, Æsculapius, Bacchus, Æneas, Vesta,

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[paragraph continues]Santa, Fortuna and Fides. The Sabines became merged with the Romans about 266 B.C.

The Nine gods of the Etruscans were Juno, Minerva, Tinia, Vulcan, Mars, Saturn, Hercules, Summanus and Vedius; the Etruscans also became united with the Romans.

Note in Macaulay's poem of "Horatius," "Lars Porsena of Clusium by the nine gods he swore," in 596 B.C. Lars Porsena led the Etruscans; they were then most powerful: from the Etruscans the Romans took much of their law, custom and superstition.

It is by nines that Eastern presents are given, when they would extend their magnificence to the greatest degree, as mentioned in Comte de Caylus, "Oriental Tales." 1743.

Barrett's "Magus" notes also 9 precious stones, 9 orders of devils, 9 choirs of angels—he copies from John Heydon.

Note in this connection the Nundinals of the Romans, who marked the days by letters into parcels of 8 days, and on every 9th day the people left their pursuits and went to the towns to market; hence the jocular Latin saying, Tres mulieres Nundinas faciunt. These nundinals are a type of our Dominical letters, a set of seven marking out the 8th days. The Romans also held a purification ceremony on male infants on the 9th day of life, hence the presiding goddess of this rite was called Nundina.

The Nones were one of the sets of days composing each calendar month. The Roman Novennalia was a feast in memory of the dead celebrated every 9th year. The Novendiale was an occasional Roman Catholic fast to avert calamities, from this arose the R.C. system of Neuvaines.

There is a Masonic order of "Nine Elected Knights," in which 9 roses, 9 lights and 9 knocks are used.

The Mahometans have 99 names of the deity. Some Jews have taught that God has 9 times descended to earth; 1st in Eden, 2nd at the confusion of tongues, 3rd at the destruction of Sodom, 4th to Moses at Horeb, 5th at Sinai, 6th to Balaam, 7th to Elisha, 8th in the Tabernacle,

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and 9th in the Temple at Jerusalem; and that his 10th coming as the Messiah will be final.

The ancients had a fear of the number Nine and its multiples, especially 81; they thought them of evil presage, indicating change and fragility.

At the 9th hour Jesus the Saviour died.

Nine is also "the earth under evil influences."

John Heydon in the "Holy Guide," and J. M. Ragon, in his "Maçonnerie Occulte," thus associate numbers with the Planets.

Sun 1 and 4, Moon 2 and 7, Jupiter 3, Mercury 5, Venus 6, Saturn 8, Mars 9.

and the Zodiacal Signs thus:—

1 Leo

2 Aquarius

3 Capricornus

4 Sagittarius

5 Cancer

6 Taurus

7 Aries

8 Libra

9 Scorpio

10 Virgo

11 Pisces

12 Gemini.

The First and the Second Temples of the Jews were both destroyed on the 9th day of the Jewish month Ab. On the 9th day of Ab modern Jews do not wear the Talith and Phylacteries until evening. The day should be spent in tears, and no good comes of work done on that day.

The Talmud in Soteh, 20. 1, says that a woman prefers one measure of fun to 9 of Pharisaic professional goodness.

Nine persons have entered Alive into the Jews’ Paradise; Enoch, Elijah, Messiah, Eliezer the servant of Abraham, Hiram king of Tyre, Ebed Melek the Ethiop, Jabez the son of Jehuda the Prince, Bathia daughter of Pharaoh, and Sarah the daughter of Asher. Some Rabbis add Rabbi Yoshua son of Levi, but he entered not at the door, but climbed over the wall. See Kethuboth, 7. 2.

In the 145th Psalm we find 9 reasons for praising God.

The Great Eleusinian Mysteries were the successors of the Egyptian Mysteries of Isis and Osiris, and were celebrated at Eleusis and possibly also at Athens, in honour of Demeter or Ceres; they occupied 9 days, and were commenced

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on the fifteenth day of the third Attic month, Boedromion, September: they took place once in every five years.

The Lesser Mysteries were performed in the month Elaphebolion, March, at Agræ on the River Ilyssus in honour of Persephone or Proserpine, daughter of Ceres.

Candidates after reception became Mystæ: in the Greater Mysteries they became Epoptæ. The ceremonies were called Teletai, perfectings. They remained in use for 1800 years, and were only ceased in the time of the Emperor Theodosius, A.D. 395.

Mention of 9 Worthies is found in literature; they were 3 Gentiles—Hector son of King Priam, Alexander the Great and Julius Cæsar; 3 Jews—Joshua, David and Judas Maccabeus; 3 Christians—King Arthur of Britain, Charlemagne and Godfrey de Bouillon.


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Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues, by W. Wynn Westcott, [1911], at

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Is the first cube of energy, and is the only evenly even number within the decad. The Greeks thought it an all-powerful number; they had a Proverb "all things are eight."

Camerarius, in his edition of the Arithmetic of Nicomachus, calls it Universal Harmony, because musical ratios are distinguished by this number.

The Ratio of 9 to 8 is sesquioctave, this forms a tone and is attributed to the Moon.


12 to 9 is sesquitertian

12 to 8 is sesquialter


16 to 12 is sesquitertian

16 to 8 is duple


18 to 12 is sesquialter.

18 to 9 is duple


21 to 9 is duple sesquitertian

Attributed to Jupiter.

24 to 18 is sesquitertian

24 to 12 is duple.

24 to 8 is triple

18 to 12 sesquialter

12 to 8 sesquialter


32 to 24 sesquitertian

32 to 8 quadruple

Are ascribed to the 8th or Inerratic Sphere which comprehends all the rest.

36 to 24. sesquialter

36 to 18 duple

36 to 8 quadruple

24 to 18 sesquitertian

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Hence the Ogdoad was also called "Cadmeia," because Harmony was looked upon as the wife of Cadmus; and Cadmus meant the Sub-lunary World, as Olympiodorus says. Eight was called also Mother, and Rhea, Cybele and Dindymene, from being the first cube, and a cube representing the earth.

The eight persons saved from the flood of Xisuthrus are synonyms of many octaves of gods, such as the 8 Cabiri great gods of Samothrace; see Bryant and Faber on this myth.

There are 8 Beatitudes of the Christian religion, Matthew, chap. v.

Eight is the number of the Moons of Saturn.

There have been several Masonic orders concerned with this Noachite Ogdoad, as the Prussian masons, Knights of the Royal Axe, or Prince of Libanus, the Noachites, and the Royal Ark Mariners, which is a subsidiary order to the Mark Master Masons.

Macrobius says the Ogdoad was the type of Justice, because it consists of evenly even numbers, and on account of its equal divisions.

John Heydon tells us that 8 Events befall the Damned, and that there are 8 rewards of the Blessed.

The number 8 was sacred to Dionysos, who was born at the 8th month; the isle of Naxos was dedicated to him and it was granted to the women of Naxos, that their children born in the 8th month should live, whereas it is usual for such to die, although those born in either the 7th or the 9th month are usually reared.

The Jews were accustomed to practise Circumcision on male infants upon the 8th day after birth.

The Jews at the Chanucah or Feast of Dedication lit 8 candles, and it lasted 8 days. This is the Engkainia of John x. 22. As to conjuring among the ancient Jews, it is said in Talmud, Succah. 53. 1, that Levi played with 8 knives; Samuel in the presence of the King Sapor of Persia used 8 cups, and Abaji before Rabbi Rava used 8 eggs.

Eight prophets were descended from Rahab the Harlot,

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viz., Neraiah, Seraiah, Maasiah, Jeremiah, Hilkiah, Hannemeel, and Shallum. Note also that Huldah the prophetess was the grandchild of Rahab.

The last 8 verses of Deuteronomy, The Mosaic Law, The Pentateuch, were written by Joshua. Bava Bathra, 14. 1.

Rabbi Nathan states that there were 8 sects of the Pharisees: but both of the Talmuds (Jerusalem and Babylon) name only seven. It is prophesied that the Harps which will be played on earth before the Messiah will have 8 strings. Erachin, 13. 2.

As seven was the number of the original Creation, so 8, says W. F. Shaw, may be considered as the Day of Regeneration. Eight souls were saved in the Ark of Noah, and Noah was the 8th in descent, his name was NVCh = 8 times 8 = 64.

888 is the special number of Jesus Christ as "He who is the Resurrection and the Life." He is the great opponent of the 666, the number of the Beast, the number of a Man.

The ancient Chinese writings refer to 8 musical sounds, the Pah-yin. (G. Schlegel.)


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Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues, by W. Wynn Westcott, [1911], at

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The Heptad, say the followers of "Pythagoras," was so called from the Greek verb "sebo," to venerate (and from the Hebrew ShBO, seven, or satisfied, abundance), being Septos, "Holy," "divine," and "motherless," and a "Virgin."

From Nicomachus we learn that it was called "Minerva," being unmarried and virginal, begotten neither by a mother, i.e., even number, nor from a father, i.e., odd number: but proceeding from the summit of the Father of all things, the Monad; even as Minerva sprang all armed from the Forehead of Jove or Zeus.

Hence also Obrimopatrë, or daughter of a mighty father, and Glaucopis, shining-eyed, and αμητωρ and αγελεια, Ametor and Ageleia, she that carries off the spoil.

And "Fortune," for it decides mortal affairs.

And "Voice," for there are seven tones in every voice, human and instrumental: because they are emitted by the seven planets, and form the Music of the Spheres.

Also Tritogenia, because there are 3 parts of the Soul, the Intellectual, Irascible and Epithymetic (desiring), and 4 most perfect virtues are produced. Just as of the three intervals, length, breadth, and depth, there are four boundaries in corporeal existence—point, line, superficies and solid.

It is called "Agelia," from Agelai, herds, as groups of stars were called by the Babylonian sages, over which herds ruled 7 angels.

Also Phylakikos, φυλακικος = preserving, "guardian," because the Seven Planets direct and guide our universe.

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Also Ægis, from Pallas Athene, or Minerva, the bearer of the breast-plate or ægis, also Telesphoros, leading to the end, because the 7th month is prolific; and Judgment, because their Physicians looked for a crisis on the 7th day in many diseases.

Among other curious problems and speculations, the Pythagorean philosophers attempted to prove that offspring born at the full term, 9 months, or at 7 months, were viable, i.e., might be reared, but not those born at 8 months, because 8 consists of two odd numbers (male only) 5 and 3; but in 9 and 7, male and female numbers are united, as 5 + 4 = 9 and 4 + 3 = 7, whilst eight can only be divided into two odd or two evens, i.e., similar sexed numbers.

In respect to life and its divisions, they remarked the ages are measured by the number 7.

In the first 7 years the teeth are erupted.

second 7 years comes on ability to emit prolific seed.

third 7 years, the growth of the beard as manhood.

fourth 7 years, strength reaches its maximum.

fifth 7 years is the season for marriage.

sixth 7 years, the height of intelligence arrives.

seventh 7 years, the maturity of reason.

eighth 7 years, perfection of both.

ninth 7 years, equity and mildness, passions become gentle.

tenth 7 years, the end of desirable life.

Solon the Athenian Lawgiver, and Hippocrates the physician, also used this 7-year division of life.

The Pleiades, a group of seven stars in the constellation Taurus, was thought of mighty power over earthly destiny; there were seven also of the Hyades, daughters of Atlas; and the seven stars which guided the sailors. Ursa Major, in which the Hindoos locate the Sapta Rishi, seven sages of primitive wisdom, are a group of the first importance and are easily recognised.

Duncan, in his "Astro-Theology," gives 7 stages of life with

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associated planets; thus, Infancy, Moon, Luna; Childhood, Mercury, Knowledge; Youth, Venus, Love; Manhood, Sol; Full Strength, Mars; Maturity of Judgment, Jupiter; and Old Age, Saturn.

Some philosophers have said that our souls have 7 foci in the material body, viz., the five senses, the voice, and the generative power.

The body has seven obvious parts, the head, chest, abdomen, two legs and two arms.

There are seven internal organs, stomach, liver, heart, lungs, spleen and two kidneys.

The ruling part, the head, has seven parts for external use, two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth.

There are seven things seen, body, interval, magnitude, colour, motion and permanency.

There are seven inflections of the voice, the acute, grave, circumflex, rough, smooth, the long and the short sounds.

The hand makes seven motions; up and down, to the right and left, before and behind, and circular.

There are seven evacuations;—tears from the eyes, mucus of the nostrils, the saliva, the semen, two excretions and the perspiration.

Modern medical knowledge corroborates the ancient dictum that in the seventh month the human offspring becomes viable.

Menstruation tends to occur in series of four times seven days, and is certainly related to Luna in an occult manner.

The lyre has 7 strings, corresponding to the planets.

There are 7 vowels in English and some other tongues.

Theon of Smyrna also notices that an average length of an adult's intestine is 28 feet, four times seven, and 28 also is a perfect number.

The number 7 is also associated with Voice and Sound, with Clio the Muse; with Osiris the Egyptian deity; with Nemesis, Fate,—Adrastia, not to be escaped from; and with Mars.

As to the sacredness of the number 7, note among the Hebrews, oaths were confirmed by seven witnesses; or by

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seven victims offered in sacrifice; as see the covenant between Abraham and Abimelech with seven lambs, Genesis, chap. xxi. vv. 28, 21–28; the Hebrew word seven, also Sh B O H, is derived from, or is a similar to Sh B O, to swear.

Clean beasts were admitted into the ark by sevens, whilst the unclean only in pairs.

The Goths had 7 Deities from whom come our names of week days; Sun, Moon, Tuisco, Wotan, Thor, Friga, Seatur, corresponding, of course, to the planets.

Apollo, the Sun God, had a Greek title Ebdomaios, sevenfold.

The Persian Mithras, a Sun God, had the number 7 sacred to him.

Note the Mysterious Kadosh Ladder of 7 steps ascent and 7 steps descent, the one side Oheb Eloah, Love of God; the other Oheb Kerobo, love of the neighbour.

Plato, in his "Timæus," teaches that from the number seven was generated the Soul of the World, Anima Mundana (Adam Kadmon).

The seven wise men of Greece were:

Bias who said, "Most men are bad," B.C. 550.

Chilo „ "Consider the end," B.C. 590.

Cleobūlos „ "Avoid Extremes," B.C. 580.

Periander „ "Nothing is impossible to perseverance," B.C. 600.

Pittâcus „ "Know thy opportunity," B.C. 569.

Solon „ "Know thyself," B.C. 600.

Thāles „ "Suretyship is ruin," B.C. 550.

The Seven Wonders of the World are thus enumerated:

1. Pyramids of Egypt.

2. The hanging Gardens of Babylon, for Semiramis.

3. Tomb of Mausōlus, King of Caria, at Halicarnassus, built by Artemisia, his Queen.

4. Temple of Diana at Ephesus, 552 B.C. Ctesiphon was the chief architect.

5. Colossus of Rhodes, an image of the sun god, Apollo, of brass, 290 B.C.

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6. Statue of Zeus, at Athens, by Phidias.

7. Pharos of Egypt, built by Ptolemy Philadelphus, of white marble, 283 B.C.; or the Palace of Cyrus which is sometimes substituted.

Sanskrit lore has very frequent reference to this number: note:—

Sapta Rishi, seven sages; Sapta Kula, 7 castes; Sapta Loka, seven worlds; Sapta Para, 7 cities; Sapta Dwipa, seven holy islands; Sapta Arania, 7 deserts; Sapta Parna, 7 human principles; Sapta Samudra, seven holy seas; Sapta Vruksha, 7 holy trees.

The Assyrian Tablets also teem with groups of sevens—7 gods of sky; 7 gods of earth; 7 gods of fiery spheres: seven gods maleficent; seven phantoms; spirits of' seven heavens; spirits of seven earths.

The Chaldean notion seems to have been that 7 was a holy number which became nefast under certain conditions. The opposite sides of a die added together are always seven in total numeration, the 4 opposite 3, 6 opposite 1, and so on.

It used to be asserted, says John Heydon, that every seventh Male born without any female coming between, can cure the King's Evil, by Word, or Touch.

St. James iii. 17 gives the 7 characters of wisdom.

After Birth the 7th hour decides whether the child will live, in 7 days the cord falls off, in twice 7 days the eyes follow a light, thrice 7 days turns the head, 7 months gets teeth, twice 7 months sits firmly, thrice 7 months begins to talk, after 4 times 7 months walks strongly.

After 7 years, teeth of second set appear.

After 14 years is the arrival of generative power. After 2i the hair of Manhood is completed.

After 28 we cease to grow, at 35 is greatest strength, at 49 is the greatest discretion, and 70 is the natural end of Life.

The Moon passes through stages of 7 days in increase, full, decrease, and renewal.

Naaman was ordered by Elisha (an Adept) to take seven dips in Jordan, to cleanse himself from Leprosy.

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The Golden Candlestick of Seven Branches was a notable emblematic ornament of the Tabernacle of Moses, Exodus xxv. 31.

Note the seven years for Repentance; 7 churches of Asia (or Assiah), 7 Angels with Trumpets, 7 candlesticks of the Holy Places, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 kings, 7 thousands slain, 7 vials of wrath to be poured out, pace the Apocalypse. 7 members make a Freemasons' lodge perfect, although 5 may hold one.

Francis Barrett, in his "Magus," catalogues 7 Birds, Fishes, Animals, metals, stones, and members of the body.

It has been said there are seven apertures of the skull to correspond with the planets.

There are Seven Degrees in the Oriental Order of Sikha and the Sat Bhai (7 Brothers); but I have doubts of the Brahmanic authenticity of the present Order of the name, which was introduced by J. H. Lawrence Archer.

From the relative length of their courses the ancients constructed a Planetary Ladder, with Vowel Symbols, thus:















These symbols were used in mystical knowledge, As an Inscription at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi shows, where E I meant the Sun and its nearest Planet, i.e., Sun and Mercury; and Mercury was often represented as a Dog, following a Sun Man.

The Oracle of Claros (Macrobius, Saturnalia, 1. 18) said that ΙΑΩ (the Gnostic Deity) was the Sun and the first and last of the planetary set, hence the 7 Concentric spheres.

Duncan assigns these Minerals and Animals to the 7 Heavenly Bodies known to the ancient world.

Moon, Bull, Silver

Mercury, Serpent, Quicksilver

Venus, Dove, Copper

Sun, Lion, Gold

Mars, Wolf, Iron

Jupiter, Eagle, Pewter

Saturn, Ass, Lead

Note also the number of 7 pipes in the Musical instrument at the mouth of the old deity Pan, the Great Whole, a Sun God (not the later Rural Pan).

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An ancient symbol of the universe was a Ship with seven pilots, in the centre of the ship, a Lion; possibly from an idea that the Sun first rose in Leo.

Note Aries supplanted Taurus, as the constellation in which the sun rises at the Vernal equinox; Taurus was the sign at the early fabulous periods of the earth—it was displaced about 300 B.C. The sign becomes changed every 2150 years by the precession of the equinoxes: Pisces has now followed Aries; but the Sun is still said to enter the sign Aries at the Vernal Equinox about March 21st. Its actual position in March 1900 was near omega Pisces.

T. Subba Row describes the Seven Primary Forces of Nature as six powers resumed in a seventh. These are called Sakti (Mahamaya) and are related to Kanya, i.e., Virgo, as the 6th Zodiacal Sign; they are Parasakti, force of light and heat; Inanasakti, intellect; Itchasakti, cause of voluntary movements; Kriyasakti, energy of will; Kundalini sakti, the life force shown in attraction and repulsion, positive and negative; Mantrika sakti, the power of sounds, vibration, music, words and speech; these are summarized in Daivi prakriti = the Light of the Logos.

Our physical senses known as 5, are an incomplete set, there are indeed 7 forms or modes of perception, as appears in the highest developments of the "Chabrat zereh aur bokher," and as described in the oldest Sanskrit occult science of the Upanishads:—smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing—and 6th, Mental perception, with 7th, spiritual understanding: the two latter were not dwarfed and materialized into noticeable organs in this fifth Race of beings, to which Man now belongs. For a fuller explanation see the "Secret Doctrine" of H. P. Blavatsky. The Archaic scheme recognized Seven States of Matter;—homogeneous, aeriform, nebulous or curdlike, atomic, germinal fiery elemental, fourfold vapoury, and lastly that which is cold and dependent on a vivifying Sun for light and heat.

Our Earth, symbolised by Malkuth of the Kabalah, is the seventh of a series, and is on the Fourth plane; it is

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generated by Jesod, the foundation the Sixth World, and after complete purification will in the 7th Race of the 7th Cycle become re-united to the Spiritual Logos and in the end to the Absolute. Our earth has been already thrice changed, and each cycle sees seven kings (as of Edom). There were Seven Kings of Edom, Genesis, xxxvi. v. 31; the Kabalists consider these as types of primordial worlds which failed to survive their creation. Seven is the key to the Mosaic creation, as to the symbols of every religion. There are Seven Planes of being, the upper three are subjective and unknowable to mankind, the lower four are objective and may be contemplated by man as metaphysical abstractions: so there are the seven Principles in Man, and the upper triad are parted from the lower group of four at dissolution.

The Seven Principles constituting man are variously named by the Esoteric Buddhism, by the Vedantic scheme, and by other philosophies, but they correspond in idea; first from above come Atma, a ray from the Absolute; Buddhi, spiritual soul; and Manas, human soul; these are the superior triad, which separates at human death from the lower tetrad of principles. The lower four are Kama rupa, the passions; Linga Sarira, tile astral body; Prana, life essence; and Sthula Sarira, the lower body; see the dogmas of Esoteric Buddhism.

The Kabalah divides these into four planes of the Soul, which are further separated by adepts; these are Chiah, Neshamah, Ruach and Nephesh, which correspond to the symbolical worlds of Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assiah.

There is an occult reference in the Seven stars in the head of Taurus called the Pleiades, six present and one hidden—said to be daughters of Atlas, who, pursued by Orion, were changed by Zeus in mercy into pigeons (peleia). The missing one is Merope, who married the mortal Sisyphus, and hides herself for shame.

Seven was the number of the Rabbis who left the "Greater Holy Assembly"; ten had formed it, three had

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passed away from the "Sod," Svd, mystery. See "The Greater" and "Lesser Holy Assembly," or the Ha Idra Rabba Quadisha and Ha Idra Suta Quadisha.

Athanasius Kircher the Jesuit states that the ancient Egyptians associated numbers to the planets as follows:—


3, 9, 15, 45


4, 16, 34, 136


5, 25, 65, 325


6, 36, 111, 666


7, 49, 145, 1225


8, 64, 260, 2080


9, 81, 369, 3521

In this matter see also Francis Barrett, "The Magus."

The later Coptic names of the 7 Gods and planets and Genii of the World of the Ancient Egyptians are: Saturn, Rephan, God of time; Jupiter, Picheus, God of life; Mars, Moloch, God of destruction; Sol, Phre or Pire, meaning Holy Lord; Venus, Suroth, lady of love; Mercury, Hermes, Hermanubis, God of speech; and Luna, Piooh, lady of the waters.

In China 7 is the number of Death, and their days of mourning are 7 times 7: the Seven Star Plank is the name of the bottom plank of a coffin in which they bore 7 holes.

The Hindoos speak of 7 Tatwas, the abstract principles of existence, metaphysical and physical, the subtle elements and the corresponding human senses, of which only five are yet developed. So there are five exoteric, Akasa, Vayu, Tejas, Apas and Prithwi; the first two esoteric yet unknown are Ani and Anupadaka. The first name means One, Unity, the Atom, and is a name of Brahma; the latter means parentless, self-existent. The first five are referred to primeval Aether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth: and to Hearing, Touch, Sight, Taste and Smell; note Air is not Hearing. See Rama Prasad on "The Tatwas."

The Sanscrit names of the Seven Planets used in Hindoo Astrology are Surya for the Sun, Chandra for Moon, Kuja for Mars, Budhan for Mercury, Guru for Jupiter, Sukra for Venus, and Shani for Saturn: then there are

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[paragraph continues]Rahu, the upper Lunar Node, and Ketu for the lower. Jupiter is also named Brihaspati.

The word Septemtriones refers to the north, and is so called from its reference to the 7 stars of Ursa Major, also called the Plough, and seen in the Zodiac of Denderah as the Thigh.

The Talmudic Berachoth, 14. 1, says he who passes 7 nights without dreaming deserves to be called wicked.

The Kabalists describe Seven classes of Angels: Ishim, Arelim, Chashmalim, Melakim, Auphanim, Seraphim and Kerubim.

The Judaic Hell was given seven names by the Kabalists; Sheol, Abaddon, Tihahion, Bar Shacheth, Tzelmuth, Shaari Muth, and Gehinnom.

Seven things were formed before the world; Law, Repentance, Paradise, Gehenna (that is Gai hinnom), the Throne of Glory, and the Messiah. The Targum Yerushalmi says these were formed 2000 years before the World's creation. Talmud, Pesachim, 54. 1.

Seven things were hidden from man; the day of death, the time of the resurrection, the final judgment, the opinion of his fellow-man, the time of the Jewish restoration, and the Fall of Persia (whatever that may mean). Pesachim, 54. 2.

The Talmud in "Chagijah" names 7 Heavens, and Occultists recognize 7 Planetary Heavens; Raquie, Zebul, Makum, Maon, Sagun, Ghereboth, and Shamaim.

In Micah, chapter v. verse 5, we read that 7 shepherds shall waste Assyria; the Talmud says they were Adam, Jacob and Methuselah, Abraham, Jacob and Moses, and David. Succah. 52. 2

Of Prophetesses there were 7;—Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Abigail, Huldah and Esther.

In the Talmud, Kethuboth, 17. 1, it is said that it is permissible to the Jew to look into his wife's face for 7 days after marriage; after this it is presumably wrong, in their opinion.

On the 7th day of the month Adar, Moses died and the rain of manna ceased, says the Talmud, but this appears to

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be contradicted in Joshua v. verses 10–12. He was born on the same day of the same month.

The Bava Kama says that after 7 years a male hyæna becomes a bat, in another 7 years a Vampire, after another a Thorn, and after another is turned into a demon. If a man fails to pray devoutly for 7 years, his spine after death becomes a serpent.

Besides those who prophesied for Israel, there were 7 other prophets, Beor, Balaam, Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zohar, and Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite.

The Bava Bathra says that 7 men form an unbroken series to this day. Adam was seen by Methuselah, then Shem, Jacob, Amram, Ahijah the Shilonite, and Elijah, who saw him, and Elijah is still alive until to-day.

Even 7 years of pestilence will not cause a man to die before his allotted time. This dictum of the treatise Sanhedrin is a statement of predestination.

A Ram has but one voice while alive, but after death his body makes 7 sounds; his horns make two trumpets, his thigh bones two pipes, his skin will cover a drum, the large intestines are formed into strings for the lyre, and the small intestines will make the small strings for the harp.

In the Sabbat, 152. 2, of the Talmud it is said that the Soul of a man watches over his corpse for 7 days. Compare this with the Theosophic teaching that the Linga Sarira broods over the body for a week after death.

Rabbi Nathan says that 7 good qualities avail at the Judgment; wisdom, righteousness, good opinions, mercy, truth, grace, and peace. Seven epithets are applied to the Earth in the Hebrew tongue; Aretz, Adamah, Arequa, Gia, Tziah, Yabeshah, Cheled or Thebel. The mystical River Sambatyon flowed all the week, but was still on the 7th day, says Rashi. Hershon, Talmudic Miscellany, 154.

The 7 Catholic Deadly Sins are Pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and sloth.

The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Isaiah xi. v. 2, are Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge,

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[paragraph continues]Piety and Fear of the Lord; these are seven of the Kabalistic Sephiroth.

Seven is the token of Union between God, who is Triune, and Man, who is Quaternary. W. F. Shaw.

The Holy Ghost is said to impart a 7-fold gift; 7 Lamps burn before the Throne of God.

The Council of Arles declared that 1 Bishops ought to take part in the Ordination of a Bishop.

There was a 7 years’ probation for admission to the Celtic Order of the Culdees. There are 7 Vestments of the Christian priesthood, and Bishops should wear 7 others, Sandals, Dalmatic, Rational, Mitre, Gloves, Ring and Staff.

The 7 Champions of Christendom were St. George for England, St. Denis of France, St. James of Spain, St. Andrew of Scotland, St. David of Wales, St. Patrick of Ireland, and St. Antonio of Italy.

The 7 Sleepers of Ephesus, according to the monkish legend, were Christians who hid in a cave under the persecutions of Decius in the Third Century; they fell into a trance and slept 200 years. They awaked in A.D. 447 and going to the Emperor Theodosius II., they convinced him of the truth of the Life beyond the grave: this done, they returned to the cave to sleep until the Last Judgment.

The 7 Dolours of the Virgin Mary is the name of a Roman Catholic Fast Day held on the Friday before Palm Sunday.

The 7 Wise Masters were officers of King Kurush who tell stories to save the life of the King's son: they exist in Greek, Syriac, Hebrew, Persian, and in English are called The Book of Sindibad, edited by Clouston.

The Coptic Gnostics represented the Jehovah of the Hebrews by a curious arrangement of the 7 vowels, without a consonant; thus Iehooua (the H is the Greek eta, long e; and the first O is the Greek long O, omega).

In the Zoroastrian theology we read of the highest beings the 7 Amshaspands; Ormuzd, source of life; Bahman, the king of this world; Ardibehest, fire producer; Shahrivar, the former of metals; Spandarmat, queen of the earth (the Gnostic Sophia); Khordad, the ruler of times and seasons;

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and Amerdad, ruling over the vegetable world. Below there are the 27 Izeds, ruled over by Mithras; in opposition to these were powers of darkness, the 7 arch devs, and the 27 devs, or devils as we call them.

The historic city of Rome, pagan before it was Christian, was built upon Seven Hills; the Palatine, Cœlian, Aventine, Viminal, Quirinal, Esquiline, and the Capitol. In Latin times it was called Urbs Septicollis. Some old authors speak of "Valentia" as a secret name for Rome.

The "Bijou Notes and Queries," vol. xiv., p. 235, says that the 7 days of the week have all been used as sacred days; Sunday by Christians; Monday by the Greeks; Tuesday by the Persians; Wednesday by the Assyrians; Thursday by the Egyptians; Friday by the Turks; and Saturday by the Jews.

The number 7 was curiously related to H. P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. "Lucifer" was first published in 1887, and 1887 is the sum of 17 hundreds, 17 tens, and 17 units; H. P. B. lived at 17 Lansdowne Road, and 17 Avenue Road; "Lucifer" was published at 7 Duke Street; 7 volumes were completed at her death; Colonel Olcott first met her at 7 Beckman Street, and later at 71 Broadway, New York. Anna Kingsford was elected president first of the London T. S. Lodge on 7th January 1883; "Isis Unveiled" was published in 1877, and the Third volume of the "Secret Doctrine" was published in 1897, after her death.