Wednesday, October 30, 2019

10/30/2019 The Transcript


"Because it is so powerful and can trample legitimate claims against the government, the state secrets privilege is not to be lightly invoked" – (United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1, 7 (1953))[43]

"The state secrets privilege is a common law evidentiary rule that allows the government to withhold information from discovery when disclosure would be inimical to national security." – Zuckerbraun v. General Dynamics Corp., 935 F.2d 544, 546 (2d Cir. 1991).

Speaking of secrets & paths...

Pathe News (Gamecock News? Priceless!)

IPOT The Dogs


May 7, 2019= 5:7
12:50 clock on the wall over pool table card game

Conan, a girl? handler found through dog, leaks?
Who makes the decisions? Who's the Source, The Master Mind?



Trump "Had to send msg"

Gen 15 Loins

Sandbox & #7 Dusty heels

terrorist's DNA on loin cloth

tainted, genetically/spiritually modified

All 3 major religions are Abrahamic Traditional believers in the same covenant promises of the ancients, Priest(ESS)hoods decoding the language of BabEL in Genesis 11 (symbols, key line maps of lands, sacred sites, architectural designs as encoded temples, pyramids, etc aligned with mirrored map layouts of the stars "7" mysterious stars:

Revelation 1:20

Where does "57" fit in?

Amos 5:7-8

57= Judgment, wormwood, bitter medicine to swallow, comet, signs, alignments, time, watchers, Pleiades & Orion star chart


AMOS 5:7-8

WHO IS SEEKING TRUTH, as commanded, the map of the heavenly hosts, signs, alignments, codes, language of BabEL, the GREATEST MYSTERY OF THE KJV BIBLE & the Same mirrored knowledge=LIGHT=language of Babel decoded by those who follow the map.....

AMOS 5:7-8

Ephesians 5:7-8

Job 38:31-32

What is the symbol language of the Abrahamic Tradition, beliefs of all ppl of all religions?

Genesis 15:

Bull/ox, Taurus, 7 stars, Pleiades= Big Dipper

Guess who knew this map leads to freedom?

Follow the Drinking Gourd...

Now it makes sense...



"Because it is so powerful and can trample legitimate claims against the government, the state secrets privilege is not to be lightly invoked" – (United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1, 7 (1953))[43]

"The state secrets privilege is a common law evidentiary rule that allows the government to withhold information from discovery when disclosure would be inimical to national security." – Zuckerbraun v. General Dynamics Corp., 935 F.2d 544, 546 (2d Cir. 1991).

Speaking of secrets & paths...

Pathe News (Gamecock News? Priceless!)    

Pathe Gamecock News: 1933 Women Freemasons   

Women Freemasons & Unity

A Sure Path of Renewal

Pathe of Renewal & Gamecock News

Pathe News (Gamecock News? Priceless!)

Clinton to Congress: Obama Would Ignore "Your" Wartime Resolutions

Lieutenant General Paul Nakasone

Q Intel: General Paul Nakasone & General Milley

Secretary of Defense General Esper

Special Ops 

Cyber Warfare  f18.

Delta Force  

ATLAS Networks    

1972 Summer Olympics 

Special Air Servce

Joint Special Operations



7 years ago

Wayne Herschel, an author in the field of archaeo-astronomy launched his book internationally in 2002, and believes he has found the forgotton ‘forbidden’ secret behind Egypt’s enigmatic Sphinx.
It was a secret that was hidden over the ages due to it revealing the sacred and equality of all human races… a secret that would hardly sit well with countries obsessed in plundering foreign nations for their treasures and to enslave their people.

Existing theories to date suggest that the side profile of the Sphinx represents the stars of Leo. However they do not explain convincingly why its architects would have chosen this constellation for its template. Wayne Herschel, an explorer of ancient civilisations for the last 17 years, proposes an entirely new theory. In his book, ‘The Hidden Records’, he sets out to prove that the Sphinx is the key to unlocking the secret behind a grand unified ’50 pyramid’ star map.

Sphinx Side View

In 1995 author R. Bauval suggested that the three pyramids at Giza represented the three stars of Orion’s ‘belt’. However because his theory did not find a way to incorporate the entire field of pyramids, let alone the Sphinx, academics had difficulty accepting it.

In 2003 Wayne Herschel published his cosmic interpretation of the Sphinx which helped him interpret the pyramids in a completely new way. He discovered that the angle at which the Sphinx intersects the collective three Giza pyramids on the ground, is virtually identical to the angle at which the brightest star of Leo, aligns with the collective row of stars that form Orion’s ‘belt’. (See the image below).

Here are the critical clues in reasoning the theory. The Sphinx appears to have its stare fixed on the rising stars each night (not just the rising Sun). Then at a very unique moment in the night sky, the Sphinx watches its mirror image of itself rising in a perfectly upright stance as Leo.

It is here where the Sphinx is literally crying out:

“All the pyramids in Lower Egypt represent a ring of adjoining constellations around the Earth, and the secret of the star map begins here at my feet with Leo.”

But there is more to the secret of the Sphinx merely telling us that all the pyramids reproduce a string of constellations. It is also the key to deciphering the pyramid mystery itself. It is showing the observer where to begin in cracking the mystery of the star map, urging one to follow the three star alignment direction of Orion’s ‘belt’ as a ‘cosmic signpost’ to what seems to be the ultimate star.
Herschel’s idea that the whole pyramid field in Lower Egypt represents stars was inspired by one of the oldest known prophecies. The mystic Hermes Trismegistus. claimed:

“Egypt is an image of the heavens… the ‘whole’ cosmos dwells here.

“Herschel subsequently conducted an experiment to prove all the pyramids in Lower Egypt represent stars. He overlaid a transparency of the stars onto a map of the pyramids. The result was breathtaking. All the brightest stars within the known constellations were represented in one complete 360 degree ring along side the Milky Way (which is also a ring around the Earth). All the brightest stars had all the pyramid counterparts on the ground. The star map started with the brightest star in the night sky Sirius… logical to start with one could say… and it has one star that is different to all the other 49 bright stars in the complete star map. It has this unique star set at the exact centre of the pyramid field… is this the ‘x’ that marks the spot? Logic again would suggest!

However, there were some important stars for which pyramids were apparently missing. In Giza for example, Herschel found four potential, as yet unrecognised pyramid ruins on an antique early map that would conclude a previously incomplete Orion interpretation at Giza.

For the full story on this ‘New Orion interpretation’ and the comparison to Robert Bauval’s original Orion interpretation… Click here.

One finding would lead to another. Not only were his new correlations ‘mirror images’, but the pyramids were virtually divided into two separate layout scales on each side of the area of Abusir, thus providing another clue. It seems the Solar Temple obelisk was intentionally placed exactly at the epicentre of the pyramid field. What could this mean?

The giant obelisk was most likely the only ever gold capped monument. Perhaps to highlight that it was more important than any other. At last the meaning of the star map becomes clear.

Do we have the proverbial ‘x’ that marks the spot?

Does it provide the reason that would have prompted the ancients to design their star map using giant structures in the first place? One thing is certain, the star seems to be of paramount importance as the place in the heavens that the three Orion ‘belt’ stars align with.

The ancient Egyptians revered a Sun… but it was not our OUR Sun! Astronomers can confirm that the Solar Temple obelisk is the only monument in the entire pyramid field to emulate a ‘Sun-like’ star (Ref HD 283271 ‘G’ spectrum) and it is relatively nearby. The correlation only occurred at its most precise position 17 250 years ago, perhaps documenting the dawning of humanity. All the other pyramids match bright stars that are nothing like our Sun. Herschel suggests the ‘Sun’ Temple was named after a ‘Sun’-like star and has nothing to do with our Sun at all.


Both halves of the star map (the two large images) are shown here as well as a zoom in on the Saqqara area with its real ‘fly over’ image. There are two independent layout scales on each side of the Sun Temple ‘x’ that marks the spot, located at the exact centre of the pyramid field. it is as if the ancients are saying as they do in all their ancient murals … “look at the centre of the murals to see that which is most important. They did it with the Zodiac disc at Dendera.. they did it in the Senmut tomb… they did it in every important depiction involving the secrets of their star gods! The author is convinced that the reason for the pyramid star map was to isolate the ‘star of the gods’. He believes it presents a whole new theory of who we are and where we come from.
To add fuel to the fire, Herschel believes that he has found evidence of a repeating geometric blueprint of the human form within other ancient pyramid and megalithic star map representations found across the globe.

The geometric blueprint is unique only to the human form and is identical to the original geometric man codex documented by a Roman engineer and writer, Marcus Vitruvius, who lived 25 years before the birth of Christ.

Leonardo Da Vinci has acceded to fame for his Vitruvian man, however few realise he reproduced it from an ancient manuscript. Da Vinci did not show the raised arms as you see here, but chose to reposition the arms where the square touches the circle.

He may have chosen to depict his version like he did to avoid the same fate that the German scholar, Agrippa (who lived at the same time as Da Vinci), faced for duplicating Vitruvius’ work as seen in the image above. Agrippa died a horrific death. He was burned at the stake.

Without digressing too much, it is worth considering a few very important ‘what if’ scenarios.

One would naturally expect that if the star maps are true then why doesn’t the Christ story mention it?

If what was encapsulated in the representation of the human form by Agrippa and Da Vinci had relevance to these star maps, why did Christ make no mention of this? It is indeed a very sensitive question and is currently open to debate on the author’s website. There are many sources of early translations of the gospels that include references to the star associated with Christ’s birth and other stars, such as Orion and the Pleiades. There is also a lot more being debated than this.

For starters, the meaning of ‘Sang-real’ has been rumoured to mean ‘sacred lineage’.

What if the Holy Grail is real and contains an inscribed record of who we are and where we come? For arguments sake let us assume that it does. What if the ultimate secret was given to Judas by Christ (as the Judas codex seems to suggest) on a beautiful metal plate that was uniquely inscribed? (Wayne Herschel has a strong feeling that in Renaissance art this metal plate is shown symbolically behind Christ’s head). If one refers to the recently discovered Judas gospel, one could even conclude that there is a chance Judas may have been captured by the Roman authorities with this artefact that was to become known as the grail in his possession. An artefact that had inscribed on it detail of humanity’s lineage. for more, click the Grail link on the home page carousel.

If this hypothetical scenario does indeed prove to be true, then one would have to ask whether the Roman authorities murdered him to cover up the existence of this amazing artefact, and more specifically its contents.

Perhaps we are approaching a new renaissance age in which humankind will begin to question its true origins? It seems likely now that Vitruvius was not the first person to portray the human form in this unique way.

In his book, ‘The Hidden Records’, Herschel goes to great lengths in detailing the snowball effect of his story. He claims confidently that the geometry of the human blueprint is a code that fits accurately into the layout at Giza, as well as that of Stonehenge, and last but not least in the layout of the most controversial place of all. In the layout of what are perceived to be pyramids in an area researchers call ‘Cydonia’.

In later years it appears this geometry of the ‘human code’ was also encrypted in the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci and of his contemporary, Nicolas Poussin.

It may sound completely fabricated and fictional having such a vast collection of coincidences here, but in light of the importance of the claims, the author has made his fundamental research freely available for all to see. The human codex research, Renaissance paintings and star map images are now available at website.

In summary, the author believes that by encrypting the human form in ancient pyramid star maps in this unique way (a code that later made its reappearance in the paintings of the Renaissance era) the ancients appear to show us that the human lineage is ‘divine’ so to speak and from above.

Coincidently the recent Judas gospel codex discovery makes another earth shattering claim, the significance of which seems to have eluded most observers. Christ beckons Judas to look at the night sky and says to him:

“Follow the star above… it is also your star”.

If the star maps are truly genuine, surely someone with a mission as unique as that of Christ would have wanted to pass on to humanity this extraordinary piece of knowledge, even if it was not ready for his time. He probably would want it to be revealed in the future at a time when it was safer to debate such a ‘provocative’ version of humankind’s genesis.

In time, the star maps and human code theory may well challenge the mystery of the ‘missing link’, which academics on evolution are still grappling with to this very day. Perhaps human beings evolved elsewhere in our vast universe, replacing Neanderthal after arriving here on Earth.

The author has taken his Egyptian star chart template and has tested it on Stonehenge in the UK, Angkor in Cambodia, Tikal in Guatemala and on a nearby planet rumoured to have pyramid ruins. The results delineated on the internet and in great detail in his book speak for themselves.

So… at the end of the day, what does all this new material offer humanity?

A clear message is decipherable in three of the most conclusive cases of the star maps. They all appear to display the unique human blueprint geometry code. A pictographic story can be interpreted in relation to the star pattern.

Herschel believes its meaning is paramount in uniting all of humanity as one if the star map ‘message’ is true. Once we step back and review the original sources of great teachings from those that came from above, the truth emerges. It speaks clearly of the place of Creation of the universe, which has been told to humanity in many different lands, and sadly it has ‘evolved’ in every case, into very disparate interpretations that we call ‘religion’.

The original sources of sacred texts must be given priority for true meaning. It is here where we have the chance of uniting humanity in one truth and understanding of a gentle Creator of the universe who has given us the gift of life. Our confusion about what we believe is fast manifesting itself in an ugly religious war that is playing out right now. Is it a coincidence that for the first time ever missiles are landing at a historical site near the northern boarder of Israel known as the valley of Meggiddo? It is here that prophecy has written where we will fight our last war.

If there is just a hint of truth in Wayne Herschel’s collection of ancient star maps and his theory on the human blueprint, it should be reason enough for scholars to test it.

And if there is one crucial question that still remains unanswered it has to be: Who is the cosmic message intended for?

Why on earth is the grand secret represented with such massive constructions and pointing skywards?

Why can it only be deciphered completely, when it is viewed from a satellite?

The truth awaits at Stonehenge … then Tikal before the Mars star map. The other star map discoveries can follow later.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Orion & Pleiades Correlation

Representation of the central tenet of the Orion Correlation Theory: the outline of the Giza pyramids superimposed over a photograph of the stars in Orion's Belt. The validity of this matching has been called into question by Hancock's critics.

The Orion correlation theory (or Giza–Orion correlation theory)[1] is a fringe hypothesis in alternative Egyptology.

It posits that there is a correlation between the location of the three largest pyramids of the Giza pyramid complex and Orion's Belt of the constellation Orion, and that this correlation was intended as such by the original builders of the Giza pyramid complex. The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and afterlife by the ancient Egyptians.[2][3][4] Depending on the version of the theory, additional pyramids can be included to complete the picture of the Orion constellation, and the Nile river can be included to match with the Milky Way galaxy. The theory was first published in 1989 inDiscussions in Egyptology, volume 13. It was the subject of a bestseller, The Orion Mystery, in 1994,[5] as well as a BBC documentary, The Great Pyramid: Gateway to the Stars (February 1994), and appears in some new-age books.[6][7]


The Orion correlation theory was put forward by Robert Bauval, and mentioned that Mintaka, the dimmest and most westerly of the stars making up Orion's belt, was offset slightly from the others. Bauval then made a connection between the layout of the three main stars in Orion's belt and the layout of the three main pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex. He published this idea in 1977 in the journal Discussions in Egyptology, volume 13. The idea has been further expounded by Bauval in collaboration with Adrian Gilbert (The Orion Mystery, 1994) and Graham Hancock (Keeper of Genesis, 1996), as well as in their separate publications. The basis of this theory concerns the proposition that the relative positions of three main Ancient Egyptian pyramids on the Giza plateau was by design correlated with the relative positions of the three stars in the constellation of Orion which make up Orion's Belt, as these stars appeared in 10,000 BC.

Their initial ideas regarding the alignment of the Giza pyramids with Orion ("…the three pyramids were a terrestrial map of the three stars of Orion's belt"— Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods, 1995, p. 375) are later joined with speculation about the age of the Great Sphinx (Hancock and Bauval, Keeper of Genesis, published 1996, and in 1997 in the U.S. as The Message of the Sphinx). According to these works, the Great Sphinx was constructed c. 10,500 BC (Upper Paleolithic), and its lion-shape is maintained to be a definitive reference to the constellation of Leo. Furthermore, the orientation and dispositions of the Sphinx, the Giza pyramids and the Nile River relative to one another on the ground is put forward as an accurate reflection or "map" of the constellations of Leo, Orion (specifically, Orion's Belt) and the Milky Way respectively. As Hancock puts it in 1998's The Mars Mystery[8] (co-authored with Bauval):

...we have demonstrated with a substantial body of evidence that the pattern of stars that is "frozen" on the ground at Giza in the form of the three pyramids and the Sphinx represents the disposition of the constellations of Orion and Leo as they looked at the moment of sunrise on the spring equinox during the astronomical "Age of Leo" (i.e., the epoch in which the Sun was "housed" by Leo on the spring equinox.) Like all precessional ages this was a 2,160-year period. It is generally calculated to have fallen between the Gregorian calendar dates of 10,970 and 8810 BC.[8]

The allusions to dates circa 12,500 years ago are significant to Hancock since this is the era he seeks to assign to the advanced progenitor civilization, now vanished, but which he contends through most of his works had existed and whose advanced technology influenced and shaped the development of the world's known civilizations of antiquity. Egyptology and archaeological science maintain that available evidence indicates that the Giza pyramids were constructed during the Fourth dynasty period (3rd millennium BC[9]), while the exact date of the Great Sphinx is still unclear. Hancock does not dispute the dating evidence for the currently existing pyramids, but instead argues that they may have been an architectural evolution of sites whose origin and cultural significance dated back some eight thousand years before the current monuments were built —since the Orion correlation theory argues they are oriented that way— which, it is implied, provides further evidence for the influence of astronomical, mathematical, and historical knowledge that might not have been passed down to the pyramids’ builders.


Arguments made by Hancock, Bauval, Anthony West and others concerning the significance of the proposed correlations have been critiqued.

Among these are critiques from two astronomers, Ed Krupp of Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles and Tony Fairall of the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Using planetarium equipment, Krupp and Fairall independently investigated the angle between the alignment of Orion's Belt and north during the era cited by Hancock, Bauval, et al. (which differs from the angle seen today or in the third millennium BC, because of the precession of the equinoxes). They found that the angle was somewhat different from the "perfect match" thought to exist by Bauval and Hancock in the Orion correlation theory. They estimate 47–50 degrees per the planetarium measurements, compared to the 38-degree angle formed by the pyramids.[10]

Krupp pointed out that the slightly bent line formed by the three pyramids was deviated towards the north, whereas the slight "kink" in the line of Orion's Belt was deformed to the south, and to match them up one or the other of them had to be turned upside-down.[11]Indeed, this is what was done in the original book by Bauval and Gilbert (The Orion Mystery),[12] which compares images of the pyramids and Orion without revealing that the pyramids’ map had been inverted.[13] Krupp and Fairall find other problems with their arguments, including noting that if the Sphinx is meant to represent the constellation of Leo, then it should be on the opposite side of the Nile (the "Milky Way") from the pyramids ("Orion"),[10][11]that the vernal equinox c. 10,500 BC was in Virgo and not Leo,[10] and that in any case the constellations of the Zodiac originate from Mesopotamia and were completely unknown in Egypt until the much later Graeco-Roman era.[13] Ed Krupp repeated this "upside down" statement in the BBC documentary Atlantis Reborn (1999).

Bauval stated that some astronomers including Archie Roy of the University of Glasgow have rejected Krupp's argument. Krupp presented a counterpoint to the objections, that Bauval stated had been made by the late Dr. Roy, who was a Professor Emeritus of Astronomy at Glasgow University (including the accusation that Bauval and Gilbert deliberately inverted the pyramid map).[clarification needed][13][failed verification].[14]

In a ruling by the Broadcasting Standards Commission (UK), the committee ruled in favour of Robert Bauval that Krupp's statement that maps were placed upside down was "unfairly" presented in the BBC documentary Atlantis Reborn, without including Bauval's filmed response.[1]Bauval and Hancock's filmed responses to Krupp's statements were included in the modified version of the documentary Atlantis Reborn Again shown on 14 December 2000.

Leo and the SphinxEdit

The Great Sphinx of Giza

The Great Sphinx is a colossal statue with the face of a man and the body of a lion. Carved out of the surrounding limestone bedrock, it is 57 metres (187 ft) long, 6 metres (20 ft) wide, and has a height of 20 metres (66 ft), making it the largest single-stone statue in the world. The Great Sphinx is one of the world's largest and oldest statues, yet basic facts about it such as the real-life model for the face, when and why it was built, and by whom, are debated. These questions have collectively earned the title "Riddle of the Sphinx", a nod to its Greek namesake.

The Great Sphinx is commonly accepted by Egyptologists to represent the likeness of King Khafra (also known by the Hellenised version of his name, Chephren)[15] who is often credited as the builder as well. This would place the time of construction somewhere between 2520 BC and 2494 BC. Because the limited evidence giving provenance to Khafra is ambiguous, the idea of who built the Sphinx, and when, continues to be the subject of debate. An argument put forward by Bauval and Hancock to support the Orion Correlation Theory is that the construction of the Great Sphinx was begun in 10,500 BC; that the Sphinx's lion-shape is a definitive reference to the constellation of Leo; and that the layout and orientation of the Sphinx, the Giza pyramid complex and the Nile River are an accurate reflection or "map" of the constellations of Leo, Orion (specifically, Orion's Belt) and the Milky Way, respectively.[16]

A date of 10,500 BC is chosen because they maintain this is the only time in the precession of the equinoxes when the astrological age was Leo and when that constellation rose directly east of the Sphinx at the vernal equinox. They also suggest that in this epoch the angles between the three stars of Orion's Belt and the horizon were an "exact match" to the angles between the three main Giza pyramids. These propositions and other theories are used to support the overall belief in an advanced and ancient, but now vanished, global progenitor civilization.

The theory that the Sphinx is actually far older has received some support from geologists. Robert M. Schoch has argued that the effects of water erosion on the Sphinx and its surrounding enclosure mean that parts of the monument must originally have been carved at the latest between 7000–5000 BC.[17] Colin Reader has suggested a date only several hundred years prior to the commonly accepted date for construction. These views have been almost universally rejected by mainstream Egyptologists who, together with a number of geologists including James Harrell, Lal Gauri, John J. Sinai, and Jayanta K. Bandyopadhyay,[18][19]stand by the conventional dating for the monument. Their analyses attribute the apparently accelerated wear on the Sphinx variously to modern industrial pollution, qualitative differences between the layers of limestone in the monument itself, scouring by wind-borne sand, or temperature changes causing the stone to crack.


Luis Vega (3 Apr 2016) 



Patterns of the Bride and Groom on Earth

by Luis B. Vega for online PDF illustration in chart section

‘Water becomes hard like stone, And the surface of the deep is imprisoned. Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades, Or loose the cords of Orion? Can you lead forth a constellation in its season, And guide the Bear with her satellites?’ –Job 38:30-32

The purpose of this study is to approximate the celestial correlation between the 7 Churches of Asia as depicted from the book of Revelationtopographically with the Hyades-Pleiades star clusters in the constellation of Taurus. The Zodiac or Mazzaroth will be plotted onto the Earth geographically to suggest that the Taurus-Orion constellations in the Heavenlies amazingly reflect the topographical configuration of Greece as Orion and Turkey as Taurus and their localities on Earth. This celestial motif does appear to correlate to the 7 Churches of Asia with the inverted ‘V’ shaped Hyades configuration of Taurus. The Pleiades that are connected with the Hyades corresponds with the Taurus Mountains of Anatolia or modern day Turkey. 

Amazingly, the 7 Churches of Asia are in an inverted ‘V’ formation also, as depicted from the book of Revelation and are distanced apart in a similar pattern from the Taurus Mountains as are the Pleiades from the Hyades in the head of Taurus. This region within the head of the Bull is called the Hyades and is considered also as a pyramid type. Thus this study suggests that the precise ancient locations to the 7 Churches of Asia correlate as the Hyades of Taurus on Earth ‘as it is in the Heavenlies’. The 7 Churches of Asia from the book of Revelation are geographically in an inverted 'V” shape like the horns of a Bull or more precisely a pyramidion.This region of the Hyades that is considered also a pyramid has the Church of Pergamum as the ‘capstone’. This was the ancient ‘Seat or Throne of Satan’. The start of the Churches, that of Ephesus corresponds to the ‘Eye of Taurus’ or the Bull’s Eye.

The region of the 5 Virgins of the Hyades are within a star cluster of 7 stars as are the Pleiades. In fact, the Hyades are the ‘Sisters’ to the Pleiades in Greek mythology. Metaphorically and prophetically, these Church ‘Stars’ are gripped and shielded by Jesus. Jesus’ grip is so strong that ‘no man can pluck them out of His hand’according to the description of the risen and glorified Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation. The true Orion is Christ with Sword holding the 7 Church Stars in His hand. The 12 constellations in the Heavens can also be mapped-out on Earth as they mirror their positions with key geographic latitudes and longitudes. With regard to the Signs of the Zodiac, each symbols and numbers play a significant role in all things spirituality as YHVH is the author of typologies and design. Each Zodiac symbol has a meaning ascribed to the redemptive work of Christ as the study will suggest further.

The Witness of the Stars

According to the research of E.W. Bullinger, the constellations do proclaim the Plan of Mankind's redemption through the main character, Jesus Christ. Each constellation is but a facet or ‘angle’ of an attribute and characteristic of the Messiah. Likewise, the configuration of the star constellations can be superimposed onto the Earth and many locations are specifically copied or mirrored as such. Likewise, the configuration of the constellations can be superimposed onto many ancient and modern locations and even on other planets like in the Cydonia, Mars pyramid complex. Such constellations are amazingly ‘mirrored’ either topographically by the LORD’s doing or in some cases are man-made. The constellations of the Cosmos tell the story of the King.

This King of the Cosmos is Jesus Christ. The Mazzaroth shows Jesus’ 1st coming and His triumphant return. The story starts in Virgo and ends with Leo, thus a ‘sphinx’ duality in more ways than one. What is amazing is that only from Earth can this cosmic storyline be viewed. It is as if it was made for Humans, to be read and comprehended from Earth because the Plan of Redemption is only for Humans, not Fallen Angels, Lucifer or ’Aliens’. As Paul states in the book of Romans, the Signs of the Zodiac are the 'Silent Witness' to Jesus' Plan of Redemption from Mankind's fall. According to the Bible, the Scriptures uses a Bride metaphor for Believers and Followers of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Jesus is presented as a ‘Groom’ that has redeemed or paid for His ‘Wife’ that is to be taken from the 7-fold Churches of Asia. This Groom and Bride theme is also interwoven in the Mazzaroth star constellation storyline.

In this case, the Orion-Taurus cosmic motif is one such prime example of the multifaceted storyline of the spiritual contention, judgment and redemption that has been taken, is being taken and will be taking place regarding Jesus Christ, His Bride and Mankind. For example, the Hyades-Pleiades star clusters depict the 7-fold composition of the Bride and the subsequent depiction as a 7-fold Menorah as described in the book of Revelation. The book of Revelation specifically correlates such ‘Stars’ in the Cosmos with that of the Churches of Asia on Earth. Jesus is the one that actually highlights the 7 spiritual conditions of the Bride and the 7 time dispensations according to the book of Revelation of the Church Age. In the case of Taurus, the interpretation of E.W. Bullinger associates Christ being the fierce Judge that Taurus depicts but most noticeably that it is Jesus Himself that takes the judgment.

It is Jesus that took the brunt of the judgement for the sin of Humanity or as in for Eve that first was deceived and partook of the forbidden fruit and thus has been held ‘captive’ in the clutches of Lucifer’s judgment and confinement to sin. The risen Jesus is depicted as the overcoming one and victorious Orion that confronted the might Taurus full on and direct. Orion is pierced by one of the horns of Taurus in the struggle, mortally wounded. Jesus however rose on the 3rd day and in the depiction of the risen Jesus in the book of Revelation Jesus is holding and protecting the Hyades-Pleiades from the fierce wrath that Taurus represents. As one can ascertain, each of the 12 Zodiac symbols has a very significant spiritual meaning ascribed to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Christ’s multifaceted work is shown in how being ‘Taurus’ He upholds and protects His Church from His fierce wrath due to sin and the coming ‘Hour of Trial’. 

The Orion Correspondence
As noted in terms of the geographic topography of the cosmic Orion-Taurus motif, this study suggests that the star constellations correspond to the area of Greece being ‘Orion’ and Turkey corresponding to ‘Taurus’. Thus this study strongly suggests that this topographical Earthly reflection of the Cosmos, of the Orion-Taurus configuration in the Heavenlies appears to reflect the nations of Greece and Turkey on Earth with an emphasis on the 7-fold Churches in Asia. Specifically regarding Greece, if one draws a line vertically from Mt. Olympus, the intersecting points will run through Delphi and Sparta. What is remarkable is that such a ley-line appears to match the constellation of Orion in proportion with the various prominent stars. Mt. Olympus corresponds to Rigel, the phallus of Orion corresponds to Kalambaka, Delphi corresponds to the Belt of Orion, Athens corresponds to Bellatrix and Sparta corresponds to Betelgeuse.

Also the right arm extension of Orion appears to correlate to the Isle of Crete. What is notable is that Crete is where in the local of Knossos is situated and the Gnostics came from. There is even a place called Cydonia that perhaps echoes the one on Mars.However, the Luciferians usurp this motif as the Gate of Man corresponds geographically to the vicinity of the Island of Crete, and more precisely Knossos. This is where the origin of the false Luciferians espoused their ‘torch’ or ‘light’ Gnosis or so called hidden knowledge. These is where the spirit of the ‘Gnostic Gospels’ that are false ‘light’ originate from. In the case of the depiction of the patterns of the Groom and the Bride, the true Biblical typology of Orion is that of Jesus Christ. It is Jesus that has the Torch of Light as Jesus Christ is the true Light of the World and the Gate of the Sheep. 

Nowhere in the 12 Signs of the Mazzaroth or Zodiac is the contention between the ‘Seed of the Woman’ and the ‘Seed of the Serpent’ seen than in the Gates of the Cosmos. These are 2 Gates, the Gate of Man at Orion and Taurus and the Gate of GOD at the Galactic center by Ophiuchus and Sagittarius. Thus the approximate correlation of Orion and Taurus also suggest other Biblical and esoteric overtones as it is even the case with Greece and Turkey as they have always been in constant contention with one another and the prize has been who gets the Church, the Bride. Such a place is one of the frontlines of the current geopolitical battle of civilizations but it is also a spiritual one between Christianity in the West and Islam of the East.


In another sense, Taurus represents the Luciferian elements of Islam that is in direct contention it has with Christianity or the People of the Living GOD, Christ Jesus.  Thus the political map of both Greece and Turkey on Earth represent the opposing spiritual contention as depicted in the Cosmos between Orion and the Bull, Taurus; Christianity vs. Islam, on one level etc. It is the classic celestial ‘bullfight’ between the Redeemer, the Hero Orion, the Christ figure and the Beast that has held captive the Maidens of the Pleiades. Even in the current geo-political nuances, this celestial contention is seen in the deliberate soft invasion of Muslims into Europe, mainly by way of Greece from Turkey. This is an attempt to destroy the last vestiges of a civilized Christian heritage Europe has enjoyed. Since the days of Alexander the Great and Xerxes, this struggle has manifested in this frontline.

The Church Age 
Greece is the land of the Epistles of Paul in the New Testament. Turkey is the land of the 7 Churches of Jesus Christ. As noted, the 7 Churches of the book of Revelation were literal Christian Churches in the nation of Turkey or Asia Minor in the 1st century. This study has attempted to demonstrate that the geographical layout of the 7 Churches of Revelation on Earth outline the approximate correspondence of the star cluster of the Hyades in the constellation of Taurus. When the topographical map of Greece is pegged to the Orion dimensions and it is approximated, Taurus produces the opposite rendition of the literal 7 Churches of Asia as they mirror the configuration of the Hyades and location of the Pleiades. It is also rather interesting that the arrow of Orion on the map of Greece points directly to the ‘capstone’ of the Church of Pergamum where the ‘Seat of Satan’ once resided in the Altar of Zeus. 

As already alluded to, Taurus the Bull is where it also depicts the iconoclastic rendition of the ‘All Seeing Eye’. This ‘Eye’ corresponds to the star Aldebaran, the left eye of Taurus. However here is another example of how the Luciferians have also usurped this motif for their evil deeds as a signature of their Master Lucifer that has but one good eye, the left eye.However, the true typology is that the 1st Church, that of Ephesus corresponds to the ‘Eye of the Bull’ or the Bull’s Eye. To this, the LORD Jesus stated, ‘if your eye be single, then your body will be full of light’. He is the one who stared it by ‘lighting’ the first candle, that of Ephesus which corresponds to the Eye of Taurus and Jesus will finish it.

It is evident that most would agree that the typology of the Jewish Menorah as disclosed in the book of Revelation typifies the Church of Jesus Christ. Many End-Time scholars and Biblical students of the End of Days suggest that the vision of the resurrected Jesus Christ giving the vision of the 7 Menorah candlestick was not only a representation of the 7 Churches of Asia but a synopses of the entire Church Age period. This study thus also suggests that based on the inverted ‘V’ geographic and celestial arrangement of the Hyades that corresponds to the 7 Churches of Asia, this topographical layout can also be seen as a pyramid pattern. 

This pyramid pattern in turn is suggested to function much like a ‘clock’ in which there is a beginning at its base. Then there is an apex or capstone and a terminal point adjacent to its start at the same foundation. This 7-fold Church typology has its ‘beginning, the middle and the end’ such as does a Menorah. It is a direct spiritual reflection as is Jesus and even is attributed to being one of the titles Jesus introduced Himself with, the ‘Beginning and the End’ in the last book of the Bible, Revelation. Notwithstanding, a commission has a beginning, a climax and an end. Jesus Christ will see to this end as Many believe that the Church Age is about to conclude as its ‘time’ has come to a conclusion which corresponds to the Commission given to the Church by the risen Jesus.

Some Sources


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Mazzaroth aka Nazareth

Nazareth? Where is it?

Nazareth aka Mazzaroth

Parables of the Sower (Matthew 13 Parables of the Sower)


Matthew 13 KJV Bible

Matthew 13 KJV Bible

1 The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side.

2 And great multitudes were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship, and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore.

3 And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;

4 And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up:

5 Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:

6 And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.

7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them:

8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.

9 Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?

11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

17 For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

18 Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower.

19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.

20 But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it;

21 Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.

22 He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.

23 But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.

30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

31 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:

32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.

33 Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.

34 All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:

35 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.

37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;

38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:

46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:

48 Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.

49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,

50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

51 Jesus saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea, Lord.

52 Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.

53 And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed thence.

54 And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?

55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?

56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?

57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.

58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.


6th-century depiction of the zodiac, mosaic in Beit Alpha, Israel.

Mazzaroth is a Biblical Hebrew word (מַזָּרוֹת Mazzārōṯ, LXX Μαζουρωθ, Mazourōth) found in the Book of Job and literally meaning 'a garland of crowns'.[1] but its context is that of astronomical constellations, and it is often interpreted as a term for the zodiac or the constellations thereof.[2](Job 38:31-32). The similar word mazalot (מַּזָּלוֹת) in 2 Kings 23:3-5 may be related.

The word itself is a hapax legomenon (i.e., a word appearing only once in a text) of the Hebrew Bible. In Yiddish, the term mazalot came to be used in the sense of "astrology" in general, surviving in the expression "mazel tov," meaning "good luck."[3]

Biblical contextEdit

The appearance of the word in the Book of Job appears in the context of various astronomical phenomena:

"Canst thou bind the chains of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season? Or canst thou guide the Bear with her sons?" (JPS 1917)[4]

The related word mazalot (מַּזָּלוֹת) in 2 Kings may have a different meaning, and is often translated differently, with the linkage of this word to the planets or the zodiac being more widely held (in Kabbalistic astrology, mazalot was also used for astrology in general,[5] and the word may be related to the Assyrian manzaltu, "station"[6]):

And the king stood on the platform, and made a covenant before the LORD, to walk after the LORD, and to keep His commandments, and His testimonies, and His statutes, with all his heart, and all his soul, to confirm the words of this covenant that were written in this book; and all the people stood to the covenant. And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the keepers of the door, to bring forth out of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal, and for the Asherah, and for all the host of heaven; and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and carried the ashes of them unto Beth-el. And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to offer in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that offered unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the constellations, and to all the host of heaven.[7]

The Septuagint, however, uses the transliteration mazzaroth (μαζουρωθ) again at this point.[8]


The word is traditionally (following LXX) left untranslated (ABC, ACV, AKJ, ASV, BBE, BIB, ESV, GNV, HNV, JPS, K21, KJG, KJR, KJV, NAB, NKJ, NRS, NWT, RSV, RWB, TMB, TNK, UPD, WEB, YLT, LXE, ZIK), but some modern English Bible translations render it as "zodiac" (AMP, CJB, EMP, LEE); others have "constellations" (CJB, CSB, DBY, NET, ERV, GWN, LEE, LIT, MKJ, NAS, NAU, NIB, NIV, TNV, WEV) or "stars" (CEV, NCB, NIR, NLV, TEV).

But as the Latin Vulgate renders the word as "luciferum", there are alternative English translations as "morning star" (CVB, TRC, furthermore Luther's 1545 German translation as Morgenstern also means "morning star"; (DRA); "Venus" (MSG); "Crown season" (NJB); "sequence of seasons" (NLT); "Lucifer, 'that is, dai sterre (day star)" (Wycliffe's Bible).WES[clarification needed] gives "stars in the southern signs".

Translators' Notes given in individual translations are:

Geneva: Certain stars so called, some think they were the twelve signs.

KJV/KGB: {Mazzaroth: or, the twelve signs}

NAS/NAU: perh. "a constellation"

NET: The word מַּזָּלֹות; (mazzarot) is taken by some to refer to the constellations (see 2 Kings 23:5), and by others as connected to the word for "crown," and so "corona."

NIB/NIV: {32 Or the morning star in its season}

Onkelos renders the translation as "guards of the mazalot". [9]

Rashi clarifies mazzarot as "all the gates of the mazalot". [10]

See alsoEdit

Biblical names of stars

Christian views on astrology

Hebrew astronomy

Jewish views on astrology


External links

Last edited 1 year ago by Sheila1988


Jewish views on astrology

List of modern names for biblical place names

Biblical astronomy


10/5/2019 uploaded

As you are aware, I've been unable to access the internet yesterday by no fault of my own. There was no way to finish the work on the site, but obviously that isn't the priority. My Mother had surgery this morning so I'm waiting for her to wake up & have the energy & alertness to drive.

Angels Unawares

Pleiadian Pilgrimage Blog

The adventures begin anew...I'll be leaving soon. Everything is progressing nicely.

Cherubim & Angels

My name is Aliearia. I am a Pleiadian Nordic. This is not a prank. I'd love to talk with you concerning the decoded language found in the sacred texts & architectural designs found in the books in stone. My email address is: & my cell#: 803-238-6776. Thank you for your cooperation & work. Sincerely, Aliearia aka Tanya G

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Maya Pleiades Map Home


Mayan Interdimensional Map

Maya Pleiades Connection

The earliest and largest Maya pyramid city in Meso America according to archaeologists is a site called Tikal in Guatemala. This pyramid city has in the images that follow, its very first pyramids ever built shown shaded in yellow. Historians have concluded these were part of the first epoch and I propose created in veneration of the cosmic blueprint design venerating the Pleiades and the place of their star 'god' ancestors.

Historians agree out of all the star clusters mentioned in their records, the Pleiades has by far the utmost importance of all, and this cluster was the 'centre' of the sky and the others were more of a background. Festivals also held with Pleiades and Orion. ref

It seems there was a lot of war that followed between tribes and each new king believed he was 'god'-like and in celebration of their kingship they began building more and more pyramids after the layout pattern was forgotten.

The layout pattern the historians propose as the first epoch building project I saw immediately is a pattern display of exactly the same complex layout plan to that of the Winterbourne Stoke mounds with Stonehenge and a series of ruins found on another planet… Mars! The star obsession and blueprint design of Tikal and Mars is explored here: ref

The oldest pyramids shaded pale yellow in the previous image and must not be confused with the later pyramid building that followed long after that had a whole different representation.

The Maya obsessed in the stars of the Pleiades and although historians say it was just the measurement of this generally small and sometimes not to easy to see cluster they chose just to measure seasons to plant and harvest corn. This is unlikely as there are far easier stars to measure for this and I propose obviously they had an emotional attachment to this cluster and its Sun stars for good reason. It was sacred because it seems to be the place of their ancestor 'gods' as you read further.


In the image above of a 3D re-creation of the first period of the Maya surrounded in dense forest would appear like this before many wars changed it and deforestation followed to make stucco changed its appearance completely. Mouse over the image to see the Pleiades pattern match to these structure. Note also the platform the cluster of pyramids were built on have a typical leg of the bull pattern.

Here is a link to show the oldest pyramids that map the stars of the Pleiades area. In this link see the map in the top part of the image, the buildings marked 20-35. The larger twin pyramids in the newer plaza are later building period monuments built in twos to celebrate something quite different to stars. ref

The 3D image here also shows the smaller pyramid with a face that today is found entombed inside the largest pyramid (Temple 4) found there today, a later period building completely covering it with an air pocket around it as if to protect it. No images are available for this pyramid internal face however this protected mechanism of the face monument is common on other sites in Meso-america. ref

Consider why a massive face monument was built? Is it trying to speak of the face of their star ancestors if this is a star map?

Historians say that generally speaking there are over 100000 pyramids in the landmass stretching south from Mexico to Guatemala. That is no missprint it is possibly an underestimate. The ancient Maya cities are so widespread that historians say that there are many that still remain undiscovered and are just sitting there in the jungle waiting to be found.

Some of the civilization's last pyramids were built in pairs to celebrate the 20-year k'atun cycle of the Maya Long count calendar a seasonal cycle and were NOT positioned to correlate with any stars. These new pyramids must be ignored in the star correlation history. ref

The largest pyramid in Tikal - the most sacred monument of the ancient Mayan - is the one that correlates with the mystery star, and represents the ‘x’ that marks the spot on the pyramid star map. Note the strange triangulation of causeways that lead to a third monument. Compare this with the ancient star map of Stonehenge ref and the anomalies on Mars ref .


Lets open this case study with a strong piece of the puzzle! But first lets define the people and site. The ancient civilisations of North America are separated by name according to epoch. The first people were generally the Olmec people who were then later called the Maya for the longest period of time. They then became the Aztecs right up until the period of the American Indian tribes which there are many simply due to the fact recent history has a lot less lost records. There are many other tribe names for periods between these mentioned and it is difficult to include it accurately and including all.

The Maya period had Tikal as one of its biggest founding cities according to historians and their writing style was developed from pictoglyphs just like the Egyptians.

The most sacred words had the most revealing pictoglyphs showing in detail and the most common symbol includes faces.

But there is one glyph at Palenque shown above that is about to speak its forgotten reasoning and truth because this one symbol speaks volumes. My research friend Mark Scott did a story on the reality of this glyph a few days ago and we are not sure which researcher first proposed it was an astronaut, which I would like to reference.


This glyph shown above is off a relief in Palenque and it shows a man dressed very unusually. So much so that he is either naked or wearing a one piece body suit and helmet. Since the helmet is obvious it is fair to insist the depiction is with a body suit.

I recognised the stance of the being lying down in the glyph with one arm poised is a familiar unique stance duplicating another famous ancient relief carving. The famous Pakal sarcophagus stone lid has this identical stance as seen in the bottom right of the image above. source ref

Yes... the stance of Pakal as an astronaut flying in his celestial ship 'rocket' as famous authors have said in the past. In recognising this stance it is fair to suggest that this makes a very strong case for the ancient astronaut theory in these depictions.

But what if there is another ancient artifact style that is being replicated here to add to make the ancient astronaut theory stand even stronger?

There is and its one that brings this glyph right into the lime light! The famous El Baal ancient astronaut stela seen top right in the image above and the artifact is covered in detail lower down in this article.

The depiction of the el Baal relief concludes it is an ancient astronaut because I recognised the helmet style with 'oval window' has the same nose and eyes visible... the same helmet shape... the same round bit at the back portion of the helmet. I also saw the entity has something against his nose identical to what is suggested as a nose breathing device on the Pakal sarcophagus lid!

The entity is even poised in this weird 'astronaut' stance with no backrest on a similar 'seat' to the Pakal depiction. This is sensational to say the least and here I must challenge academia to wake up and smell the coffee. This glyph now makes the ancient astronaut case for the Maya stand so strong it really elevates theory into the status of hypothesis when all the hidden records of my work are compared with it.

This glyph I believe is of a set style and stance of what inspired the first few pieces of a fake Maya artifact collection of what an Art gallery in Austria claimed in 2010 were 'ancient alien' artifacts that the Mexican government endorse.

I wrote to the public relations department and asked if this was true. They said it was a false claim. Just a few pieces at first appeared then truck loads. Hundreds of new art pieces appeared to be all made by the same artists hand. They take this glyph depiction to a whole new level. Sad to say this chaos exists in this genre and people are actually buying these fakes for a fortune! There is not one accademic on the Earth that believes the Austrian gallery alien artifact hoax is not a hoax.


The deity in the glyph has a name and offerings of the most horrific kind were made to him.

What you are about to read might explain why the star visitors stopped visiting the Earth because of how emotional weak humanity obsessed in the greatness of the beings.

His name is Chacmool ref and he became the focus of the most barbaric ritual as the Maya evolved into the Aztecs.

Scholars are unsure of his past except for one thing, that this was the entity that recieved human hearts in sacrifice! See the image below.

Did this entity perform a heart operation on a sick important royal family individual thus inspiring the ritual? Was it a desperate attempt making sacrifice of people to the being because this person took people as guests (probably not dead people) with him when he left and this gift of a human to him is the manifestation of the need for his return?

We could speculate all day but one thing for sure ... when the star visitors left, people worshiped them as gods... they turned barbaric and the end result of the visitation presented a far more evil and barbaric society after, than before.


The El Baul site South of Guatemala is located 4 km north of Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa, and would have been populated by the Maya that would have known Tikal and its legends. Not just that but if the stela below really is an ancient astronaut interpretation then this stela might have been created at Tikal and later moved to El Baul.

Here is the greatest evidence in support of the ancient astronaut theory supporting star visitor hypothesis in my star map theory proposed thus far. Erik VonDaniken was perhaps the first to discover an ancient astronaut interpretation of this Maya stela seen here.

The full name of this stela is the El Baul Ball game stela ref and although it shows something that seems to have been celebrated by the Ball game itself. I propose perhaps it was once less barbaric game celebrating its cosmic visitors and cosmic detail. A game once more likely far less devastating to its losers and perhaps once celebrating knocking a ball symbolic of a cosmic body passing through the ring of a cosmic portal.

The traditional ball players never EVER wore any cumbersome restricted sight animal helmet. Especially one also restricting breathing or with a restricting of movement additional back pack. The ball game had nothing to do with a cosmic portal opening either as seen in the stela. As mentioned in my book, the person also has very slender feminine appearance which would not be a ball player.

The million dollar question here... if this is a real ancient they show what the ancients would no doubt be burning with desire to tell the viewer in this depiction... where they come from? That answer is yes. I compare my re-created image with a 46cm museum quality duplication of the stela that I have cross researched as accurate (rendered by fine artist after a digital scan since no moldings have been allowed). This duplication and others now available for collectors in a project to raise funds for a film documentary. ref


Márton Molnár-Göb from Hungary was quick to notice when he was first to find a clear image that there appears to be Pleiades on record here.

There are two circles with bird heads present in both almost identically. One has dots in a cluster beneath it the other might have had the detail maliciously scratched off. I suggest the birdhead deity all along in all ancient cultures is one wearing a helmet with visor of a star visitor resembling a bird head. This is a cluster of what appears to be 7 dots and an oblong anomaly (yellow in illustration interpretation). 7 orbs could suggest it is the Pleiades but there is something more obvious here especially for this Maya and Cahokia tradition.

The two rings (only one shown in the bottom image... see the first image) both have bird heads and stars and appear to represent two important sun stars in the Pleiades star map. Due to the Cahokia obsession in the Tertiary Sol star that is almost part of the Pleiades cluster one then can reason the anomaly orb (shaded yellow in interpretation) and can be seen listed as Tertiary sol star on the star map page analysis ref

Here I believe the anomaly dot (yellow) is the Tertiary Sol position that is fact and is positioned right next to the Pleiades and seen on the left side of it as shown in the star maps. The Birdman/Horus sun deity is an ideal and common global title for the star visitor. Then the Tertiary position right next to the Pleiades makes most sense here as where they come from. The ring therefore fits best as the wormhole opening address to two sun stars. The second address now lost due to damage is impossible to conclude but also of the birdman/Horus title like in the Cahokia Star map. ref . Perhaps for some reason later on someone felt the visitors from the one address were not pleasant or important at all and scratched the second position Pleiades marker.

Here is an HD video of the stela up close and with two other stunning world's most famous ancient astronaut duplications discussed in depth:


The The entity is wearing helmet with thin non pressurised body suit I proposed in 2002 breathing Earth atmosphere during interaction with humanity.

The being appears of feminine statue from another star system as a visitor here on Earth wearing just her helmet so she does not have to breathe our microbe infested air. Her body would be at risk of being overcome by foreign 'Earth' microbes.

The helmet shows how the discharge of her exhaled air created an intimidating vapour and the source of her air is through the filter device on her back similar in design to a modern astronaut.

The window has a goggle eye appearance and the artist clearly needed to show there is a human face inside this beast looking head.

Now in context with the astronaut interpretation to conclude the meaning of the stela and that it really is an ancient star visitor here and her story, it can be interpreted logically with the clues as follows:

The message of the stela appears to be where this deity comes from and above the entity one can see interaction with another ancient astronaut being in a very important transition.

The entity in the sky seems to be partially in transit in a wormhole opening as the serpent-like nature of it is clear and how the same beast like interpretation of the artists by tradition show the serpent mouth opening and his head clearly visible. Note how this entity wears what I suggested since 2002 are headphones and microphone as he hands something to the one below.

It is impossible to confirm but since the Maya and American Indians who are linked by lineage and foundation general tradition since both carry record that corn was given by the corn gods from the sky. This appears to be some sort of corn cob/seed gift from the entity.


In 1998 in a Maya book documenting the strange beliefs of the Maya they spoke of the ancestors from the cosmos entering the earth through a magical lily flower and depict this magical artifact as shown in the image above on the left. It was the beginning of my quest to set out to prove wormholes and the star map and I thought I hit gold on this depiction.

But scholars were sure the anomalies on the flower were nothing more than dirt. So I put it aside and forgot about it. I did not yet have more than the Hindu and Egyptian traditions of doorways to the stars with a lotus flower depiction but I wanted to find more examples in other ancient sites to present a conclusive story.

That time has now dawned. A friend Mark Scott presented the new image on the right on a social network platform suggested this lily depiction would fit my developed theory on the fine mechanics of cosmic serpent wormholes that I present on all the star map ancient sites so far.

I immediately noticed the seven dots on the lily and realised the first example I had forgotten about now had backing evidence to propose it was the Pleiades as the place the cosmic wormhole originates from. In this manner of speaking suggesting the ancestors came from the Pleiades area. This artifact is found in the Brooklyn Museum ref and has more to conclude here.

The Maya deity firstly has a very obvious elongated head. He matches the other case here with crosssed arms stance and this I propose matches the secret of how one finds the Pleiades following the cosmic cross of Orion. In the Abraham star map ref

I believe the star map 'global secret' is ancient and was by order of all monarchy systems all over the world to be kept secret to provoke war against others with the lie that others are not chosen ones. The star maps show all are equal from the same place. Not very good for greedy ruthless kings wanting to rape pillage and plunder.

By encoding the depiction with crossed arms was a big breakthrough for me after Márton Molnár-Göb in Hungary first found the stunning mural with the star map in 2012. I noticed Abraham encoded not just crossed arms beneath his tunic, he pulled the sleeves over his crossed arms to emphasize there is a secret here and to get a double cross effect which Orion encapsulates ref.

There is more in the depiction of the Maya in a cosmic wormhole opening conduit. He wares a seven ray crown for the Sun star like Helios and like sacred feminine Lady Liberty. The crown has a Cosmic Tree and three fruit which is where the wormholes are sourced from ... riding literally the 'hands' of God Creation ref and since there are 3 fruit then it could be all 3 Sun-like stars found in this area.

But the greatest detail is the crescent and Sun disc in typical Egyptian tradition which I suggest represents the sun of the deities and their exoplanet of origin... the place of origin of all humanity as the other star maps strongly suggest.

This story on its own is nowhere near complete without seeing other sites and trace back history of the American indigenous lineages. The best cases are:

1) Chaco Canyon .

2) The Lakota Star Map

3) The Maya Tikal Star Map

4) The Cahokia Star Map

5) The Skidi Pawnee Star Map

6) The Cherokee Star Map

7) The Navajo Star Map

©The Hidden Records® 2019


 Credits - References - Copyright - General summary of ancient alien starmaps on human origins explored in The Hidden Records book by Wayne Herschel. A Pleiades and Orion correlating pyramid star map interpretation was published in papers, followed by his book The Hidden Records by Wayne Herschel (2002) (See book synopsis on website for more detail of The Hidden Records) A Pleiades correlation with Mars, Stonehenge and Tikal was released in South African TV documentary Carte Blanche in 2002.The ancient alien artifact expo by Wayne Herschel presenting museum quality replicas of controversial rare artifacts with star maps and Pleiades are all copyright protected pieces.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Heaven's Gate (We Are Against Suicide!)

Who Was the Cult of Heaven's Gate?


HALE-BOPP Brings Closure to: 

Whether Hale-Bopp has a "companion" or not is irrelevant from our perspective. However, its arrival is joyously very significant to us at "Heaven's Gate." The joy is that our Older Member in the Evolutionary Level Above Human (the "Kingdom of Heaven") has made it clear to us that Hale-Bopp's approach is the "marker" we've been waiting for -- the time for the arrival of the spacecraft from the Level Above Human to take us home to "Their World" -- in the literal Heavens. Our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion -- "graduation" from the Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared to leave "this world" and go with Ti's crew.

If you study the material on this website you will hopefully understand our joy and what our purpose here on Earth has been. You may even find your "boarding pass" to leave with us during this brief "window."

We are so very thankful that we have been recipients of this opportunity to prepare for membership in Their Kingdom, and to experience Their boundless Caring and Nurturing.

Keys or Bookmarks to Vital Information 
on Our WebsiteDo's Intro: Our Purpose -- The Simple Bottom Line (an excerpt from our bookHEAVEN'S GATE -- see below)Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate (excerpt from our book)
Overview of Present Mission (excerpt from our book, a student paper)
Last Chance To Advance Beyond Human (excerpt from our book)
To Access Our Book Online in its Entirety:
How and When HEAVEN'S GATE May Be Entered

Transcripts of Two Recent Videos
Our Position Against Suicide
How a Member of the Kingdom of Heaven Might Appear
Earth Exit Statements by Students
Exit Press Release:
"Away Team" Returns to Level Above Human
To Order a Hard Copy of Our Book

The following materials are available through TELAH Services:

One of our correspondents from Germany offered to translate the following two transcripts into German.

Videotape 1: Last Chance To Evacuate Earth Before It's Recycled
(Sept. 29, 1996 - 70 min.)

Transcript of videotape 1. ......German translation

Videotape 2: Planet Earth About To Be Recycled -- Your Only Chance To Survive -- Leave With Us (Oct. 5, 1996 - 58 min.)

Transcript of videotape 2. ......German translation

Our Book, entitled How and When "Heaven's Gate" May Be Entered 
(An Anthology of Our Materials).

If you would like to send for videotapes, there is no charge. If you would like to copy them and return the originals to us, we will make them available to someone else. If you choose to assist with deferring our expenses, those funds would be reinvested towards getting this information out.

The transcripts of videotapes 1 and 2 can be viewed onlinedownloaded or requested through TELAH Services.

Hard copy editions of the book may be ordered through TELAH Services for $45 US. This includes shipping and handling, via priority mail.

Requests For Materials Can Be Emailed To:

Or Sent Via Postal Service To:

TELAH Services 
4757 E. Greenway Rd. Ste. 103-178
Phoenix, AZ 85032

To Access Our Online Book How and When HEAVEN'S GATE May Be Entered |
Do's Intro: Purpose - Belief | Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate |
Last Chance To Evacuate Earth | Planet About To Be Recycled |
Overview of Present Mission | Last Chance To Advance Beyond Human |
Our Position Against Suicide | How a Member of the Kingdom of Heaven Might Appear |
Connecting Links | Privacy Concerns |
Back to Bookmarks | Top of this Homepage |Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming angels angels angels angels angels angels angels angels angels angels end end times times end times end times end times end times end times end times end times end times end times Key Words: (for search engines) 144,000, Abductees, Agnostic, Alien, Allah, Alternative, Angels, Antichrist, Apocalypse, Armageddon, Ascension, Atheist, Awakening, Away Team, Beyond Human, Blasphemy, Boddhisattva, Book of Revelation, Buddha, Channeling, Children of God, Christ, Christ's Teachings, Consciousness, Contactees, Corruption, Creation, Death, Discarnate, Discarnates, Disciple, Disciples, Disinformation, Dying, Ecumenical, End of the Age, End of the World, Eternal Life, Eunuch, Evolution, Evolutionary, Extraterrestrial, Freedom, Fulfilling Prophecy, Genderless, Glorified Body, God, God's Children, God's Chosen, God's Heaven, God's Laws, God's Son, Guru, Harvest Time, He's Back, Heaven, Heaven's Gate, Heavenly Kingdom, Higher Consciousness, His Church, Human Metamorphosis, Human Spirit, Implant, Incarnation, Interfaith, Jesus, Jesus' Return, Jesus' Teaching, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven, Krishna Consciousness, Lamb of God, Last Days, Level Above Human, Life After Death, Luciferian, Luciferians, Meditation, Members of the Next Level, Messiah, Metamorphosis, Metaphysical, Millennium, Misinformation, Mothership, Mystic, Next Level, Non Perishable, Non Temporal, Older Member, Our Lords Return, Out of Body Experience, Overcomers, Overcoming, Past Lives, Prophecy, Prophecy Fulfillment, Rapture, Reactive Mind, Recycling the Planet, Reincarnation, Religion, Resurrection, Revelations, Saved, Second Coming, Soul, Space Alien, Spacecraft, Spirit, Spirit Filled, Spirit Guide, Spiritual, Spiritual Awakening, Star People, Super Natural, Telepathy, The Remnant, The Two, Theosophy, Ti and Do, Truth, Two Witnesses, UFO, Virginity, Walk-ins, Yahweh, Yeshua,Do's Intro: Purpose - Belief

What Our Purpose Is - The Simple "Bottom Line"

Two thousand years ago, a crew of members of the Kingdom of Heaven who are responsible for nurturing "gardens," determined that a percentage of the human "plants" of the present civilization of this Garden (Earth) had developed enough that some of those bodies might be ready to be used as "containers" for soul deposits. Upon instruction, a member of the Kingdom of Heaven then left behind His body in that Next Level (similar to putting it in a closet, like a suit of clothes that doesn't need to be worn for awhile), came to Earth, and moved into (or incarnated into), an adult human body (or "vehicle") that had been "prepped" for this particular task. The body that was chosen was called Jesus. The member of the Kingdom of Heaven who was instructed to incarnate into that body did so at His "Father's" (or Older Member's) instruction. He "moved into" (or took over) that body when it was 29 or 30 years old, at the time referred to as its baptism by John the Baptist (the incarnating event was depicted as "...the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove" - Luke 3:22). [That body (named Jesus) was tagged in its formative period to be the receptacle of a Next Level Representative, and even just that "tagging" gave that "vehicle" some unique awareness of its coming purpose.]

The sole task that was given to this member from the Kingdom of Heaven was to offer the way leading to membership into the Kingdom of Heaven to those who recognized Him for who He was and chose to follow Him. "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" meant - 'since I am here, and I am from that Kingdom, if you leave everything of this world and follow me, I can take you into my Father's Kingdom.' Only those individuals who had received a "deposit" containing a soul's beginning had the capacity to believe or recognize the Kingdom of Heaven's Representative. They could get to His Father only through total reliance upon Him. He later sent His students out with the "Good news of the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," and His followers could then help gather the "flock" so that the "Shepherd" might teach others what was required of them to enter His Father's House - His Father's Kingdom - the Kingdom of Heaven - in the literal and physical Heavens - certainly not among humans on Earth. Leaving behind this world included: family, sensuality, selfish desires, your human mind, and even your human body if it be required of you - all mammalian ways, thinking, and behavior. Since He had been through this metamorphic transition Himself from human to Level Above Human - under the guidance of His Father - He was qualified to take others through that same discipline and transition. Remember, the One who incarnated in Jesus was sent for one purpose only, to say, 'If you want to go to Heaven, I can take you through that gate - it requires everything of you.'

Our mission is exactly the same. I am in the same position to today's society as was the One that was in Jesus then. My being here now is actually a continuation of that last task as was promised, to those who were students 2000 years ago. They are here again, continuing in their own overcoming, while offering the same transition to others. Our only purpose is to offer the discipline and "grafting" required of this transition into membership in My Father's House. My Father, my Older Member, came with me this time for the first half of this task to assist in the task because of its present difficulty.

Looking to us, and desiring to be a part of my Father's Kingdom, can offer to those with deposits that chance to connect with the Level Above Human, and begin that transition. Your separation from the world and reliance upon the Kingdom of Heaven through its Representatives can open to you the opportunity to become a new creature, one of the Next Evolutionary Level, rightfully belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Why It Is Difficult To Believe or Accept Us

We don't know if you believe in the real existence of negative or "lower" forces. If you do, then you may be able to understand or relate to some of what we are about to say. It seems that how your "programming" permits you to see or identify those forces, determines the limit of your acceptance or understanding. Many believe that there are "evil" acts or even "evil" individuals, but would draw the line before they would believe in evil spirits, evil discarnates, negative influences, malevolent space aliens, "Luciferians," or Satan and his fallen angels.

The generally accepted "norms" of today's societies - world over - are designed, established, and maintained by the individuals who were at one time "students" of the Kingdom of Heaven - "angels" in the making - who "flunked out" of the classroom. Legends and scriptures refer to them as fallen angels. The current civilization's records use the name Satan or Lucifer to describe a single fallen angel and also to "nickname" any "evil presence." If you have experienced some of what our "classroom" requires of us, you would know that these "presences" are real and that the Kingdom of God even permits them to "attack" us in order for us to learn their tricks and how to stay above them or conquer them. The space aliens, or Luciferians, use the discarnate spirits (the minds that are disembodied at the death of a body) as their primary servants - against potential members of the Kingdom of God. These "influences," or discarnates, are constantly "programming" every human "plant" (vehicle or body), to accept a set of beliefs and norms for behavior during a lifetime. From our point of view, this "programming" finds that body, and the vast majority of all human bodies, barely usable by students of the Kingdom of Heaven.

As the above example can serve to testify, the "lower forces" would - through their "norm" concept - what is "socially acceptable," what is politically correct - have you notbelieve  in spirits, spirit possession, negative space aliens, Satan, etc. They would have you believe that to even dabble in these ideas is of the "occult," satanic, or at the least, giving credence to "fringe" topics. That's where they would also categorize any mental search of Eastern religions, astrology, metaphysics, paranormal, UFOs, etc., etc. In other words, they (these space aliens) don't want themselves "found out," so they condemn any exploration. They want you to be a perfect servant to society (THEIR society -- of THEIR world) -- to the "acceptable establishment," to humanity, and to false religious concepts. Part of that "stay blinded" formula goes like this:"Above all, be married, a good parent, a reasonable church goer, buy a house, pay your mortgage, pay your insurance, have a good line of credit, be socially committed, and graciously accept death with the hope that 'through His shed blood,' or some other equally worthless religious precept, you will go to Heaven after your death."

Many segments of society, especially segments of the religious, think that they are not "of the world," but rather that their "conversion" experience finds them "outside of worldliness." The next statement that we will make will be the "Big Tester," the one that the "lower forces" would use to clearly have you discredit or disregard us. That statement is: Unless you are currently an active student or are attempting to become a student of the present Representative from the Kingdom of Heaven - you ARE STILL "of the world," having done no significant separation from worldliness, and you are still serving the opposition to the Kingdom of Heaven. This statement sounds - to humans who have been so carefully programmed by the "lower forces" - arrogant, pompous, or egotistical at the least - as if by taking this stand we had something to gain - as if we were seeking recognition as "Deity" or as self-appointed prophets.

That Luciferian programming has truly been effective, for we don't even want to voice to you the statement in question. However, believe it or not, it is only for your sake - the sake of prospective recipients of the Kingdom of Heaven - that we must "tell the truth," openly identify to you as Representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven, well aware of the "fallout" of that position.

The hard facts or bold statements in a nutshell, that are so difficult to accept or "digest" - come down to: If you want or ever expect to go to Heaven - here is your window. That window opportunity requires: 1) an incarnate (as human) Representative of the Kingdom of Heaven; 2) that all who hope to enter Heaven become active students of that Representative while the Representative is present; 3) those who endure the "transition classroom" until it ends (adequately bonding or "grafting" to that Representative) will go with that Representative - literally LEAVE the human kingdom and Earth as He is about to do. Staying behind, for any significant period, could jeopardize that "graft." That window to Heaven will not open again until another civilization is planted and has reached sufficient maturity (according to the judgment of the Next Level).

We can't blame you for "buying into" the "Luciferian" program. What else has been available during those periods when no Representative was present? Almost nothing - save some warnings in the Scriptures, i.e., Luke 20:34-36, Luke 21:23, Mark 12:25, and Mark 13:17-19. Check these out.

Another fact is that what someone is into during the time a Representative is not present really doesn't matter that much, except that they are found unprepared when One comes - the only time when the Kingdom of Heaven can be offered to you.

The dilemma is we are here and most humans are thoroughly "hooked" to humanity. However, the same "grace" that was available at the end of the Representative's mission 2000 years ago is available now with our presence. If you quickly choose to take these steps toward separating from the world, and look to us for help, you will see our Father's Kingdom.

It is clear to all of us, that to the Anti-Christ -- those propagators of sustained faithfulness to mammalian humanism -- we are, and will be seen as, their Anti-Christ. This is certainly to be expected, and it will not delay our return to our Father's Kingdom. It might even accelerate that return.

We will, between now and our departure, do everything we can for those who want to go with us. But we cannot allow them to interfere with or delay our return to Him.

The Present Representative

For the next topic on our list: | Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate | 
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